Okay, so I've now been tagged again... TWICE!!! Grr.. Okay, just 'cause I like you guys whole bunches, I'll throw out FORTY more... I'll also put my first twenty on here too, just 'cause.
1) I'm a closet Trekkie... alright, so not quite a Trekkie, but I am a fan... although Enterprise didn't grip me nearly as much as I had hoped.
2) I am absolutely fascinated by swords, chainmail, and just about anything medieval.
3) Weapons in general are a big draw as well.
4) I often couldn't care less if I orgasm during sex, and in fact tend to take my time getting there... whether I want to or not.
5) I used to run Cross Country while I was in High School, and miss running like you wouldn't believe. Although I still know that starting again will likely never happen.
6) Truth can be a vice sometimes. If you think I'm likely to say something that you aren't going to like, don't ask the question, 'cause I'm often brutally honest and have gotten myself into trouble for it sometimes.
7) I'm not going to stop being brutally honest ever. It's just so much easier, and avoids a lot of un-needed conflict.
8) I still get school-boy crushes, and I secretly love it!
9) I have one now, and I'm not letting it go anytime soon.
10) I've a feeling she already knows.
11) I almost got a degree in Comp. Sci... then I almost got a degree in IT, now I almost have a degree in Math and Physics.
12) I miss University more than I miss running... though I'm more likely to go back to University than I am to start running again.
13) I hate surveys like this. I generally won't do them at all, since I feel it means more if someone gets to know you the old fashioned way. (Consider yourself special that I did this at all! )
14) I really despise "Net-speak" with a passion! For fuck sakes, when you're chatting with someone it takes a fraction of a second longer to type 'you' than it does to type 'u', quit being so fucking lazy!
15) Having said that, I fall into the trap sometimes too. (ie. 'lemme' above) To my defence, though I use it because I actually speak that way, not because I'm too lazy to hit an extra two keys!
16) I'm a closet hopeless romantic, too, but very few people ever get the chance to find that out. And that's the way I think it should be.
17) I *LOVE* driving.. to the point where I will actually drive 10 minutes into town to pick up smokes, when there's a convenience store right across the road.
18) I have 33 teeth, as opposed to the requisite 32. One of my adult teeth missed the root of the baby tooth as it was growing in, and now it's still in the roof of my mouth, patiently sitting there, while the baby tooth is still trying to figure out why it still has to grind food like a chump.
19) I can't stand people that don't take pride in their work. I don't care how menial your job is, do it properly, do it well, and try, once in a while, do go above and beyond... I just don't understand why some people can't figure out that no matter how much your job sucks, it's still important. No chance in hell you'd be getting paid for it if it weren't important, so fucking earn the money your boss is so graciously throwing at you, dammit!
20) Hrmm... last one... (EDIT: or so I thought... sheesh!) by all rights, this should be a good one...
20) I think I may already have found the love of my life... and from what I'm guessing to be fear, I pushed her away. I couldn't even articulate why I broke up with her, but I did. And I kick myself every day for having done it....
And on to forty more... I can't guarentee my imagination, and I would guess some of them will likely get rather un-interesting, but here ya go....
21) Making chainmail has gone well beyond a hobby at this point... I think it's nearing obsession when one spends nearly every waking moment on it.
22) I've recently set myself upon the task of creating a chainmail shirt... and I'm not all that certain I was sane when I did so.
23) In eight days, I've spent 44 1/2 hours making this shirt... and I'm absolutely loving it.
24) I am, in fact, wearing what I've gotten done so far. Let me tells you, it's the coolest thing on earth, even though it's not quite done yet.
25) I am so looking forward to this weekend, the anticipation is almost killing me.
26) I have a Physical Training Evaluation tomorrow morning at 8:15am... not looking forward to that quite so much.
27) I lost my last pair of sneakers sometime after my last PT test, and I only realized this about a week ago. (They were my Airwalks too! Old-school style, no less... DAMMIT!)
28) I just bought a brand new pair of sneakers about 4 hours ago! YAY!
29) I bought them for the PT test. BOOOO!
30) I once wiped out on my mountain bike on the way home from work, and was drifting in and out of conciousness for something close to 2-3 hours.
31) I remember one point while I was regaining conciousness, I was still lying on the side of the road, and the paramedics had arrived (apparently like 15 minutes after I wiped out). One of them was asking me questions like, "Do you know where you are?", "Do you know the date?"... that kinda thing. The date I thought it was was like four months past!
32) I found out later the reason I thought it was four months ago was 'cause the only thing I could think at the time was that I had to get home to take care of my brothers. Turns out the date I thought it was was their first day off of school for summer holidays.
33) I joined the military about three-and-a-half years ago, after I left University ('cause I wasn't doing any of my work by that point), took a year off to work, and realized I kinda needed a plan for at least a small portion of my future.
34) I was at University for 2 1/2 years, during which time I was taking Computer Science (for programming), Information Technology (so I could stick with computers, but then I realized I didn't wanna be a secretary), and finally Major in Math with a Minor in Physics.
35) I still plan to finish my degree (the Math/Physics one, not all three, I'm not that masochistic), and can't wait to get back to school... I miss it so.
36) I was born in the quaint little town of Portage-la-Prarie, Manitoba, where my father was posted as a Photo Tech.
37) We then got shipped out the Halifax when I was particularily young, and where I know call home.
38) May parents divorced when I was not more than three or four, though I don't really think it affected me as much as it does most children. Or, if it did, I don't remember it.
39) My Mom re-married when I was seven, and my step-father is my Dad. He always will be.
40) My step-brothers have never been anything but my brothers, and I think they're only vaguely aware of the whole step-family deal... as in they've been told about it, and it's never been a secret, but I'm still just their older brother. That makes me happier than anyone will ever know.
41) I can tell you what wearing a shirt made out of almost 10lbs of galvinized steel feels like... how many people can say that?
42) I have a secret desire to rule the world, and I'm now going to have to kill you all.
43) I wear a size 11 shoe. (Comeon! It's hard to think of SIXTY!!!)
44) I secretly love that I got tagged three times to do this, despite my repeated hatred of such surveys.
45) Many may think otherwise, but every woman that has ever made an impact on my life is in my thoughts constantly.
46) Coffee is a vice that I don't think I'll ever kick... damn that shit's incredible!
47) The best part of my day is driving to Timmy's just before work.
48) And belive it or not, it's the best part because of the drive, the coffee is just an excuse for the drive... that's probably what led to #47...
49) I just took the chainmail shirt off, and WOW is it ever hard to get one of those things off!!! I also feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. *groan* (SORRY! I couldn't help that one.)
50) I have a not-so-secret love of corny puns!
Then again, anyone that's met me, talked to me, read anything I've written or been involved with even once knows that!
51) Boxers or Briefs? Neither.... BOXER-BRIEFS! Despite what Eric McCormack might say, the gay man is NOT the fore-most proponent of the underwear hybrid.... *I* am!
52) There was a time in my life when I was actually marginally athletic... and while I know I just don't have the drive to be that again, I still miss it.
53) I miss fencing the most... but that comes back to the love of swords mentioned a LONG time ago... *sigh* almost done... I can do this...
54) I used to write poetry quite a lot in High School... but I think I've pretty much written myself dry... there may be one or two left in me, but they'd have to be damn good at this point for me to even take notice.
55) I wrote a poem for my graduation year-book, and they actually put it in... naturally every year-book that I did sign, I signed on that page. I'm still rather proud of that, even if I'm not all that impressed with the poem itself.
56) I just realized I mentioned my university studies already, and have masochisticly decided to give you all sixty-ONE facts now... though I can't for the life of me figure out why I would do that.
57) I really like writing sometimes... and using ten-dollar words in every-day conversation. I'm actually just trying to impress you all with my word-smithing, most of the time. Not sure it's working, though.
58) Batman is just about the coolest super-hero ever..... I guess that's not really a fact about me, though, is it.... okay, then "58) I like Batman."
59) I find one of the best things in life is taking a nap in the middle of the day. ESPECIALLY when you have something you should be doing.
FINALLY!!! The *real* last one, this time... though I'm not sure it's going to be as good as the other last one...
60) I want to be able to fly... not like in an airplane or anything... I just want to be able to stand there and suddenly be all like, "Whoop! Look at that, I'm flying!"
Yeah... wasn't nearly as good as my first last fact... ahh, well, there you have it, 60 facts about me.... SHIT!!! I said I'd give you 61... *sigh* FINE!
Okay, the absolute, honest-to-goodness, LAST one.
61) Shiny things make me happy... I like shiny things.
DAMMIT! That one wasn't even as good as my SECOND "last" fact! Fuck it! I give up!
1) I'm a closet Trekkie... alright, so not quite a Trekkie, but I am a fan... although Enterprise didn't grip me nearly as much as I had hoped.
2) I am absolutely fascinated by swords, chainmail, and just about anything medieval.
3) Weapons in general are a big draw as well.
4) I often couldn't care less if I orgasm during sex, and in fact tend to take my time getting there... whether I want to or not.
5) I used to run Cross Country while I was in High School, and miss running like you wouldn't believe. Although I still know that starting again will likely never happen.
6) Truth can be a vice sometimes. If you think I'm likely to say something that you aren't going to like, don't ask the question, 'cause I'm often brutally honest and have gotten myself into trouble for it sometimes.
7) I'm not going to stop being brutally honest ever. It's just so much easier, and avoids a lot of un-needed conflict.
8) I still get school-boy crushes, and I secretly love it!
9) I have one now, and I'm not letting it go anytime soon.
10) I've a feeling she already knows.
11) I almost got a degree in Comp. Sci... then I almost got a degree in IT, now I almost have a degree in Math and Physics.
12) I miss University more than I miss running... though I'm more likely to go back to University than I am to start running again.
13) I hate surveys like this. I generally won't do them at all, since I feel it means more if someone gets to know you the old fashioned way. (Consider yourself special that I did this at all! )
14) I really despise "Net-speak" with a passion! For fuck sakes, when you're chatting with someone it takes a fraction of a second longer to type 'you' than it does to type 'u', quit being so fucking lazy!
15) Having said that, I fall into the trap sometimes too. (ie. 'lemme' above) To my defence, though I use it because I actually speak that way, not because I'm too lazy to hit an extra two keys!
16) I'm a closet hopeless romantic, too, but very few people ever get the chance to find that out. And that's the way I think it should be.
17) I *LOVE* driving.. to the point where I will actually drive 10 minutes into town to pick up smokes, when there's a convenience store right across the road.
18) I have 33 teeth, as opposed to the requisite 32. One of my adult teeth missed the root of the baby tooth as it was growing in, and now it's still in the roof of my mouth, patiently sitting there, while the baby tooth is still trying to figure out why it still has to grind food like a chump.
19) I can't stand people that don't take pride in their work. I don't care how menial your job is, do it properly, do it well, and try, once in a while, do go above and beyond... I just don't understand why some people can't figure out that no matter how much your job sucks, it's still important. No chance in hell you'd be getting paid for it if it weren't important, so fucking earn the money your boss is so graciously throwing at you, dammit!
20) Hrmm... last one... (EDIT: or so I thought... sheesh!) by all rights, this should be a good one...
20) I think I may already have found the love of my life... and from what I'm guessing to be fear, I pushed her away. I couldn't even articulate why I broke up with her, but I did. And I kick myself every day for having done it....
And on to forty more... I can't guarentee my imagination, and I would guess some of them will likely get rather un-interesting, but here ya go....
21) Making chainmail has gone well beyond a hobby at this point... I think it's nearing obsession when one spends nearly every waking moment on it.
22) I've recently set myself upon the task of creating a chainmail shirt... and I'm not all that certain I was sane when I did so.
23) In eight days, I've spent 44 1/2 hours making this shirt... and I'm absolutely loving it.
24) I am, in fact, wearing what I've gotten done so far. Let me tells you, it's the coolest thing on earth, even though it's not quite done yet.
25) I am so looking forward to this weekend, the anticipation is almost killing me.
26) I have a Physical Training Evaluation tomorrow morning at 8:15am... not looking forward to that quite so much.
27) I lost my last pair of sneakers sometime after my last PT test, and I only realized this about a week ago. (They were my Airwalks too! Old-school style, no less... DAMMIT!)
28) I just bought a brand new pair of sneakers about 4 hours ago! YAY!

29) I bought them for the PT test. BOOOO!
30) I once wiped out on my mountain bike on the way home from work, and was drifting in and out of conciousness for something close to 2-3 hours.
31) I remember one point while I was regaining conciousness, I was still lying on the side of the road, and the paramedics had arrived (apparently like 15 minutes after I wiped out). One of them was asking me questions like, "Do you know where you are?", "Do you know the date?"... that kinda thing. The date I thought it was was like four months past!

32) I found out later the reason I thought it was four months ago was 'cause the only thing I could think at the time was that I had to get home to take care of my brothers. Turns out the date I thought it was was their first day off of school for summer holidays.
33) I joined the military about three-and-a-half years ago, after I left University ('cause I wasn't doing any of my work by that point), took a year off to work, and realized I kinda needed a plan for at least a small portion of my future.
34) I was at University for 2 1/2 years, during which time I was taking Computer Science (for programming), Information Technology (so I could stick with computers, but then I realized I didn't wanna be a secretary), and finally Major in Math with a Minor in Physics.
35) I still plan to finish my degree (the Math/Physics one, not all three, I'm not that masochistic), and can't wait to get back to school... I miss it so.
36) I was born in the quaint little town of Portage-la-Prarie, Manitoba, where my father was posted as a Photo Tech.
37) We then got shipped out the Halifax when I was particularily young, and where I know call home.
38) May parents divorced when I was not more than three or four, though I don't really think it affected me as much as it does most children. Or, if it did, I don't remember it.
39) My Mom re-married when I was seven, and my step-father is my Dad. He always will be.
40) My step-brothers have never been anything but my brothers, and I think they're only vaguely aware of the whole step-family deal... as in they've been told about it, and it's never been a secret, but I'm still just their older brother. That makes me happier than anyone will ever know.
41) I can tell you what wearing a shirt made out of almost 10lbs of galvinized steel feels like... how many people can say that?

42) I have a secret desire to rule the world, and I'm now going to have to kill you all.
43) I wear a size 11 shoe. (Comeon! It's hard to think of SIXTY!!!)
44) I secretly love that I got tagged three times to do this, despite my repeated hatred of such surveys.
45) Many may think otherwise, but every woman that has ever made an impact on my life is in my thoughts constantly.
46) Coffee is a vice that I don't think I'll ever kick... damn that shit's incredible!
47) The best part of my day is driving to Timmy's just before work.
48) And belive it or not, it's the best part because of the drive, the coffee is just an excuse for the drive... that's probably what led to #47...
49) I just took the chainmail shirt off, and WOW is it ever hard to get one of those things off!!! I also feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. *groan* (SORRY! I couldn't help that one.)
50) I have a not-so-secret love of corny puns!


51) Boxers or Briefs? Neither.... BOXER-BRIEFS! Despite what Eric McCormack might say, the gay man is NOT the fore-most proponent of the underwear hybrid.... *I* am!
52) There was a time in my life when I was actually marginally athletic... and while I know I just don't have the drive to be that again, I still miss it.
53) I miss fencing the most... but that comes back to the love of swords mentioned a LONG time ago... *sigh* almost done... I can do this...
54) I used to write poetry quite a lot in High School... but I think I've pretty much written myself dry... there may be one or two left in me, but they'd have to be damn good at this point for me to even take notice.
55) I wrote a poem for my graduation year-book, and they actually put it in... naturally every year-book that I did sign, I signed on that page. I'm still rather proud of that, even if I'm not all that impressed with the poem itself.
56) I just realized I mentioned my university studies already, and have masochisticly decided to give you all sixty-ONE facts now... though I can't for the life of me figure out why I would do that.
57) I really like writing sometimes... and using ten-dollar words in every-day conversation. I'm actually just trying to impress you all with my word-smithing, most of the time. Not sure it's working, though.
58) Batman is just about the coolest super-hero ever..... I guess that's not really a fact about me, though, is it.... okay, then "58) I like Batman."
59) I find one of the best things in life is taking a nap in the middle of the day. ESPECIALLY when you have something you should be doing.
FINALLY!!! The *real* last one, this time... though I'm not sure it's going to be as good as the other last one...
60) I want to be able to fly... not like in an airplane or anything... I just want to be able to stand there and suddenly be all like, "Whoop! Look at that, I'm flying!"
Yeah... wasn't nearly as good as my first last fact... ahh, well, there you have it, 60 facts about me.... SHIT!!! I said I'd give you 61... *sigh* FINE!
Okay, the absolute, honest-to-goodness, LAST one.
61) Shiny things make me happy... I like shiny things.
DAMMIT! That one wasn't even as good as my SECOND "last" fact! Fuck it! I give up!
nice new set

Tee hee I didn't know you edited this and wrote SIXTY ONE! Cripes!
You're a darlin you know that?
