This has been just about the worst day in history for my poor little heart. As if I didn't treat it poorly enough, I had to put it through absolute hell today... okay, to be fair, some of it was un-planned, some of it wasn't my doing, and some of it was just plain FUN!
'Kay, to start off the palpitations, I get to work fairly early this morning, as I am wont to do, and I has myself a rather large coffee from my dear friends at Timmy's (God bless their souls!). In itself, not too bad... however, that was quickly followed by two more cups filled from the ever-present coffee-maker in the tower (Yes, constantly on AND constantly full! *sniff* kinda brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?)... oh, and THEN I followed that up with yet another particularly large mug from Timmy's, brought by one of our more gracious controllers (bless his heart!).
It's right around this point that I realize... I'm rather twitchy at the moment... I think my Sargeant put it best when he called me Tweak a few times... 'course he only said that when he called for me and my stock answer was "Aah!".
Now, again, as bad as this may sound, this is not too far out of the ordinary.... HOWEVER! The crew of gentlemen (and I use the term loosely, mind you.
) that were on shift this morning were all in rather goofy moods today. Many riotous jokes and random quips were thrown about throughout the morning! Much laughing was had by all for much of the morning. Good times, good times indeed.
(Except for my poor, beleagured heart.)
This morning was also the morning of one of the many Snowbirds' practice shows. One of their final (if not their final... not sure which) shows for the season will be flown tomorrow, so today they did a full show to make sure that they had all the timings down, etc. etc. Up until today I had been under the impression that I had handled last year's incident rather well. And while I'm aware it's left a lasting impression, I hadn't thought it had been a particularly drastic one. I mean, I watched their acceptance show at the start of the season with no problems... then I realized, I watched almost all of the acceptance show through the lens of my camera, and believe it or not, that does create a sense of detatchment slightly more pronounced than you might think.
So for much of the show, I was standing on the other side of the catwalk, chatting with the Sargeant, and generally avoiding all sight of the Snowbirds. Even then my heart was beating a little more forcefully than needs-be. Then my Sargeant has the ingenious idea to shout, at the top of his lungs, BOOM!, just as two of them were passing behind the tower. *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*
I do believe that is one of the only times one can tell his direct supervisor, "FUCK THE HELL OFF, YOU SONOFABITCH!" without getting a thumping right then and there. Though I'm sure I would have if he wasn't laughing his goddamn ass off at the time!
Now, that was all this morning... we're now into the very start of the afternoon during which very little happened. Probably a good thing, since my heart needed some time to slow down a little.
However, mid afternoon, on the other hand, she starts to shift gears again! This was the afternoon of my brand-spankin' new ink!!!! WOOHOO!! I walk into the tattoo parlour lookin' all cool and suave and thinking to myself "I'mgettin'atattoo!I'mgettin'atattoo!"
The design they'd come up with was only very slightly different from my own, and looked a hell of a lot less confusing, and as such, MUCH more pleasing. It was a little larger than I'd planned, so I asked them to resize it a tad, and as they were in the process of doing so I completely changed my mind and went BIG! Couldn't be happier I did so, even though my Nova Scotia flag now looks tiny and wimpy by comparison (not a word, Oracle).
Now, as much as my chest piece HURT LIKE HELL!, it was nothing in comparison to this unholy art-work. Being the perfectionist that he is, my tattoo artist wanted to make sure that every line was as straight as if he'd used a ruler... this unfortunately meant that he would mark no more than about 3mm of my skin at a time... with THREE needles! Dammit, man! If you're only going to use three needles, get the damn thing done, don't friggin torture me!
Okay, okay, honestly, I'm happy he's such a perfectionist... that's why I went back to him... but still *pout* fukkin t'ing hurt. THEN we got to the colour. Five needles this time (I was really hoping for, like seven, but hey, what do I know?), so it doesn't hurt nearly as much... Oh, right, except for the fact that he has to go over the same spot again, and again... and again, to make sure that the colour is even!
I've always said, and have always been told, that the outlines are always the worst part of every tattoo... well, this was the exception to the rule. Holy HELL, pain!..... (and I loved every second of it!!!
Okayokayokay. So we finally finish the tattoo, and it's now about 6:30ish... the shop's closed, the tattoo guy has someone else coming in soon (who was HOT!! I'm in the wrong business!), and all the guys are sticking around to hang out for a bit. Well, it turns out as I was gritting my teeth against untold pain, one of the guys showed up with a case of beer!!! Hey, as long as they aren't drinking while their inking me, I don't care! And (here's the awesome part), THEY GAVE ME A BEER!!! New tattoo AND a free beer?! I am SO in on that jazz!!!
*sigh* Good times, good times!
'Kay, to start off the palpitations, I get to work fairly early this morning, as I am wont to do, and I has myself a rather large coffee from my dear friends at Timmy's (God bless their souls!). In itself, not too bad... however, that was quickly followed by two more cups filled from the ever-present coffee-maker in the tower (Yes, constantly on AND constantly full! *sniff* kinda brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?)... oh, and THEN I followed that up with yet another particularly large mug from Timmy's, brought by one of our more gracious controllers (bless his heart!).
It's right around this point that I realize... I'm rather twitchy at the moment... I think my Sargeant put it best when he called me Tweak a few times... 'course he only said that when he called for me and my stock answer was "Aah!".
Now, again, as bad as this may sound, this is not too far out of the ordinary.... HOWEVER! The crew of gentlemen (and I use the term loosely, mind you.

(Except for my poor, beleagured heart.)
This morning was also the morning of one of the many Snowbirds' practice shows. One of their final (if not their final... not sure which) shows for the season will be flown tomorrow, so today they did a full show to make sure that they had all the timings down, etc. etc. Up until today I had been under the impression that I had handled last year's incident rather well. And while I'm aware it's left a lasting impression, I hadn't thought it had been a particularly drastic one. I mean, I watched their acceptance show at the start of the season with no problems... then I realized, I watched almost all of the acceptance show through the lens of my camera, and believe it or not, that does create a sense of detatchment slightly more pronounced than you might think.
So for much of the show, I was standing on the other side of the catwalk, chatting with the Sargeant, and generally avoiding all sight of the Snowbirds. Even then my heart was beating a little more forcefully than needs-be. Then my Sargeant has the ingenious idea to shout, at the top of his lungs, BOOM!, just as two of them were passing behind the tower. *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*
I do believe that is one of the only times one can tell his direct supervisor, "FUCK THE HELL OFF, YOU SONOFABITCH!" without getting a thumping right then and there. Though I'm sure I would have if he wasn't laughing his goddamn ass off at the time!
Now, that was all this morning... we're now into the very start of the afternoon during which very little happened. Probably a good thing, since my heart needed some time to slow down a little.
However, mid afternoon, on the other hand, she starts to shift gears again! This was the afternoon of my brand-spankin' new ink!!!! WOOHOO!! I walk into the tattoo parlour lookin' all cool and suave and thinking to myself "I'mgettin'atattoo!I'mgettin'atattoo!"

The design they'd come up with was only very slightly different from my own, and looked a hell of a lot less confusing, and as such, MUCH more pleasing. It was a little larger than I'd planned, so I asked them to resize it a tad, and as they were in the process of doing so I completely changed my mind and went BIG! Couldn't be happier I did so, even though my Nova Scotia flag now looks tiny and wimpy by comparison (not a word, Oracle).
Now, as much as my chest piece HURT LIKE HELL!, it was nothing in comparison to this unholy art-work. Being the perfectionist that he is, my tattoo artist wanted to make sure that every line was as straight as if he'd used a ruler... this unfortunately meant that he would mark no more than about 3mm of my skin at a time... with THREE needles! Dammit, man! If you're only going to use three needles, get the damn thing done, don't friggin torture me!
Okay, okay, honestly, I'm happy he's such a perfectionist... that's why I went back to him... but still *pout* fukkin t'ing hurt. THEN we got to the colour. Five needles this time (I was really hoping for, like seven, but hey, what do I know?), so it doesn't hurt nearly as much... Oh, right, except for the fact that he has to go over the same spot again, and again... and again, to make sure that the colour is even!
I've always said, and have always been told, that the outlines are always the worst part of every tattoo... well, this was the exception to the rule. Holy HELL, pain!..... (and I loved every second of it!!!

Okayokayokay. So we finally finish the tattoo, and it's now about 6:30ish... the shop's closed, the tattoo guy has someone else coming in soon (who was HOT!! I'm in the wrong business!), and all the guys are sticking around to hang out for a bit. Well, it turns out as I was gritting my teeth against untold pain, one of the guys showed up with a case of beer!!! Hey, as long as they aren't drinking while their inking me, I don't care! And (here's the awesome part), THEY GAVE ME A BEER!!! New tattoo AND a free beer?! I am SO in on that jazz!!!

*sigh* Good times, good times!
TEN MORE just for you.
now you must write down 20 things about yourself and tag a new group of 5 people!
yeah what she said. You've been tagged three times now, you lazy bastard!
Do 30 just to prove your not a bad sport!