HERRRO SG!! And Merry Christmas Eve Eve <3
It took me a while to find photos from 2006, after all I wasn't in front of the camera very much 10 years ago.
Dec 2006 I was graduating Culinary School. The best and hardest thing I've ever done in my life. When I had enrolled my youngest child was 16 months old, my spermdonor left us, and I was 20 yrs old. I just survived an intense culinary program at Le Cordon Bleu, Las Vegas with my Associates of Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts. I went to school full time, and worked a full time job with one of the few Certified Master Bakers in America; then on the weekends I'd jet 2.5 hrs to Utah to spend every waking minute with my babies. My parents were very supportive and helped me so I could do something for our future. I owe them my career.
^^2006 vs 2016 shot by @cdo
Just have to say thank you to @rambo for all her hard work for SG. and @kiley @lyxzen @missy what a powerful group of beautiful women.
Hope everyone here on SG has a great holiday and are spending it with people you love & care about. It's a really weird year for me, as it is my first being home alone. I couldn't afford to go with my kids to Utah, so I stayed home. So my house is empty. Thankfully I have made such amazing friendships through SG. @flowersandweed is celebrating her 21st birthday, please everyone tell her happy birthday, and is driving up here TONIGHT! @hurricane @asami @raenie are all gathering tonight for a little shindig. Cooky style of course. Then for New Years @asami @saluya and myself are all planning on a girls New Years date.
Lastly, my set Purple Kush by @cdo comes out tomorrow morning around 6:30 am! So keep an eye out for it.
Thank you again for all the love & support.