I just want to thank all my followers/friends for the amazing support and comments on my set that debuted for your after Christmas gift.
It means so much to me to have you all. You're fucking awesome! I love you all 💚
I am so fortunate to have you all. @sunshine it has been an honor knowing you & working with you. Learning and supporting with. I feel like a better person. Being apart of this SG community, has really helped me grow.
@merryboudoir for being the first one to show me the door.
@vorpal for recruiting me and giving me guidance.
@roz @cigno @dk @lexirae @cassiee for being there and becoming friends. I look forward to hanging out again someday.
So many more I look forward to meeting and maybe one day working with. To all the other members as well I love the amazing support and love.
Fucking awesome!
Enjoy this for your #SGHSundies 💓