I haven't participated as much as I should in the @bloghomework so I figured I'd start with this one. I know it's old - forgive me. Let me talk to you about my absolute favorite artist KFLAY. I have been following her for 5 years now. My ex found her on youtube and I've been stalking her ever since. Only the kind, I'll go to every local show I can & buy every album type of stalking though. I have met her & her drummer Nick (pictured above) over 10 times to be honest.
Let me take you back to the best moments. Some of you know I participate in a charity I organize every year through Food Network called NO KID HUNGRY. I book a music artist & hold a bake sale where all my proceeds go to the cause. I LOVE IT! She was my first professional artist to work with. She did it for free too!! I was on the street team for her self released album, LIFE AS A DOG & the song "Can't Sleep" is climbing the charts, just so happens to be my favorite song off the album.
Her songs seem to fit every situation be it anger, depression from a break up or struggles with body image and family. Her voice is smooth & she sounds the same live as she does on her albums... very rare. She can rap effortlessly & you can actually understand her.
The top picture, I told KFLAY daughter Belle was almost as large of a fan as I am, she invited her to sit on stage and sing along. Belle was nervous to actually sing in the microphone so she just sat at the bottom of the stage and sang. She's really awesome. My best friend Courtney & I have traveled all over from Utah, California, Nevada, Colorado & Idaho because we love her! We even got her art from her album West Ghost tattooed on us!!
You guys should definitely check her out :)
@rambo @missy @lyxzen