10 random things:
1. I collect random buttons. I don't carry a purse, my backpack is slowly getting covered in awesome buttons.
2. I don't ever wear matching socks. Messes with my OCD.
3. I'm highly allergic to penicillin. Can't even touch Bleu cheese. But that's OK, I think it stinks
4. I am a pastry Chef that prefers savory desserts. Not a huge fan of chocolate & was allergic to raspberries until this year.
5. I have two kids. Belle, 11 who has a very rare medical condition called Hemophilia Factor 9 Deficiency. *She does not clot & is 1 in 150 million. Gavin, 10 May 5th. He is a wild & crazy kid. I was 18 when I got pregnant. Baby daddy bailed, but I'm a bad ass.
6. I have a weakness for musicians. I believe it takes extreme passion, creativity, dedication & a bit of insanity.
7. I'm bisexual. I've had relationships with a man & a woman. Love is love & knows no gender. Been this way since I was very young.
8. I love converse shoes. I currently own 6 pairs, all in different colors. Still adding to my collection. I have small feet so I get to shop in the kid section.
9. I'm socially anti social. Gives me anxiety attacks to be in a new place surrounded by people I don't know. But I crave to go out & try to make friends. I normally sit in the corner & pray for someone to approach me.
10. I am in the process of opening my own business baking. I want to provide regular baked goods & cannabis infused baked goods. My business is called Yummy Stuff, find me on Facebook (Shameless plug)
*Bonus 11. I love the SG community. It's been a dream of mine since pre-kids to be a suicide girl. I know i am curvy & have lots of imperfections, but that's what makes me me. Beauty in every size!