like am i the only one who is angry over the presidential election? am i the only one who is ashamed and embarrassed by what my country has done. i know this isnt the place for this but i am so incensed and sick to my stomach over the statement that we as a people made in this country. we have just proven that we are barbarians, that we are........nevermind im just angry and sad and embarrassed and just really really sad.....sorry
No, i dont think youre the only one, most of us just try and stay away from all of that without trying to feed more into it.
ya and this probably wasnt the place to even bring it up but at the time .....well it was just one of those scream from the rooftop moments. it was all very overwhelming. but there are more like minded people to me here than in most other aspects of my life and the whole thing left me feeling very alone and i needed to squash that feeling. appreciate the comment =)