This is the title I want to earn here at SG. I try to make sure my comments are honest, flattering, original, funny, witty and again honest and flattering to the ladies whose sets i comment on. I want people to see what I say and have a new or different perspective on the set or to be entertained or even sometimes think man I wish someone would say something like that to me sometime!! This is my goal not because I want some kind of accolades or recognition for what I say but because I want the ladies who are literally baring their souls to us and those who read my comments to understand just how humbled I am by their beauty and their bravery! thats all just wanted ot get that off my chest....oh ya btw it doesnt hurt if someone reads what i say sometimes and giggles because it is silly and funny cause laughter is the best medicine and everyone is more beautiful when they smile!! =)
i put it there but you have to click on vital stats to see it. wish i could put it as like a profile title that showed up with the picture lol
nope scratch that i put it as my location so it shows up right under my name lol