I just wanted to say briefly that there is so much beauty on this website. The gorgeous and sexy women, the beautiful body art, and most importantly the beautiful wonderful personalities and support that is shown to each and every SG hopeful and person in general. This isnt just another website nor is it a place someone comes just to look at pictures it is a place to talk and participate and everyone is so welcoming and fun! The beauty here is obviously external but more so surprisingly internal. I am proud to be a member and to participate in everything that i can!!
Ya it is great, Theres no bad comments or guys competing or women being catty or anything. It really does just feel like a community of people with so much in common that appreciate each other in all forms! I am thrilled to be here!
theres even a thread in the groups for BCB's like me (big cuddly boys) and as a big guy sometimes its hard to feel appreciated or even noticed. it lets you know there is a place here for everybody and that people appreciate who you are =p