after an eventful day at work--- i got to practice being a nurse------- some bitch fell the fuck out on the floor and cracked her head-- she was loopy--
-- now....
the cookie and I are off to a fancy dinner-- fancy- fancy---- i hope we have fun - i suspect we will --- AND im gonna get my eat on ---- you know the cupcake loves to munch-- gotta keep up my fabulous figure, ya know=-----
on a horse -- but kinda looks like a stripper pole=== haha

the cookie and I are off to a fancy dinner-- fancy- fancy---- i hope we have fun - i suspect we will --- AND im gonna get my eat on ---- you know the cupcake loves to munch-- gotta keep up my fabulous figure, ya know=-----

on a horse -- but kinda looks like a stripper pole=== haha
Hope you guys enjoyed dinner!!!
have a great weekend darlin!!!
ps. i LOVE the car pics