I have a question... anybody can share their opinion but I doubt I'll get a lot of people reading this journal to do so anyways.
There's been this girl.. Thea... man.. she's absolutely fucking perfect. Ever since I laid eyes on her... I knew I'd never see anything more perfect. That was back in ninth grade, mind you.
I STILL FEEL THE SAME WAY! As the years pass, she just keeps getting more and more amazing. I've seen her go through all this shit-heads for boyfriends, watched her regret ever meeting them.. and sat in a corner and boiled because I was so angry she wasn't getting the respect, attention, love she deserves and that I think I could honestly give her.
Am I in love with her? Seven years is a long time to have a crush.. it's something else.. but I'm afraid to admit that I love her because it'll hurt... I don't know.. I DON'T KNOW.. help me? Please?
(This journal entry has been edited so Daniel Roger Epstein doesn't get my ass booted off SG.com)
So yeah.. I wrote Thea the letter.. now I just have to wait for her to give me the ol' "I like you as a friend" shtick. Oh well... I always have you, Erin. *Sighs dreamily*
Wait.. I don't have you either. Well fuck.
There's been this girl.. Thea... man.. she's absolutely fucking perfect. Ever since I laid eyes on her... I knew I'd never see anything more perfect. That was back in ninth grade, mind you.
I STILL FEEL THE SAME WAY! As the years pass, she just keeps getting more and more amazing. I've seen her go through all this shit-heads for boyfriends, watched her regret ever meeting them.. and sat in a corner and boiled because I was so angry she wasn't getting the respect, attention, love she deserves and that I think I could honestly give her.
Am I in love with her? Seven years is a long time to have a crush.. it's something else.. but I'm afraid to admit that I love her because it'll hurt... I don't know.. I DON'T KNOW.. help me? Please?
(This journal entry has been edited so Daniel Roger Epstein doesn't get my ass booted off SG.com)

So yeah.. I wrote Thea the letter.. now I just have to wait for her to give me the ol' "I like you as a friend" shtick. Oh well... I always have you, Erin. *Sighs dreamily*
Wait.. I don't have you either. Well fuck.
Of COURSE it makes you think about oral sex. That was the point. GIVE ME SOME FREAKING CREDIT!