Hi Everybody i Have a Few Art Shows Coming up and i am Looking For Some Far out people to do some FREE Shoots With so i can get as many Alternative and Unique Shots fore My UPCOMING Shows ,,PM me for more details


hhaha wow big story ill update y'all soon wow I'm back and bigger than ever my art has exploded and my photography is kicking ass woo hoooo


ahh i can't wate to have hogs breath this afternoon it's my chest meal for the week because iv been working so hard on getting fit and also it's my faveret meal in the world and and I just went thrue one crazy as all hell break up so it's my lil gift and get well meal and if it turns out to be a...
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Ah moving on I'm trying to see if love and rockets still dose VIP cards it's like they have stoped hope not lol iv been really getting in shape in the last few weeks even a broken back haven't slowd me down if anything it has made me stronger and wonting to fight for what I won't in life and to take it if I...
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wow it has been so long since iv been on hear well hear is to a new start hay y'all gona see a lot of me on hear again !! Painting pics post I'm gona live on hear hahah lil update so I went to the briabane SG show witch was hella cool really awsome I saw the girls hear last time they came in...
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I finally have Facebook add me lol

https://m.facebook.com/gypsy.wanderer.718?__user=100006495917783My Facebook page

And if that dosent work try


Or look up gypsy wanderer artist

Of email gypsywanderer@live.com
I finally have Facebook add me lol

https://m.facebook.com/gypsy.wanderer.718?__user=100006495917783My Facebook page

And if that dosent work try


Or look up gypsy wanderer

Of email gypsy wanderer
I finally have face book everybody be my friend please lol My face book page
the link does not function whatever:S