wow its been an amazing and scarry 3 weeks hear in the workd of cookiecola first ill start with diving ,,what a fun trip i just got back from a pro-dive live a board ship in the grate barer reff ,!! simply amazing met a hole heap of fellow divers ,one that stood out was this us army guy called ryan hahah funny dude but ill get back to u bout him later on ,, its a hole nother world down there so much better than drugs plus go deep enoughf and u go a lill loopy from narcosess lol hence the sayn i was narked last night hahah i went for a night dive to so fun under the water with only a touch and a hole heap of reef sharks lol ,,check it out ill chuck some pix up
hahha its a mega big clam i wonted to get a funny photo of this one but my dive buddy was too far away !! it had some amazing fluro collors on it but i needed a touch with me so thats a must for the next time i go diving lol!! gets me all exiceted when i look at the big clam mmmmm lol
i love this photo its so peace full ,
and cant forget the amazing green turtle he was so big i wonder if he was the younger brother of brian the huge mega big green sea turtle famous for being so big brian is a 3m and a 140 year old creature,,so amazing swimming alongside this giant !!
this guy was so cool chilling out under some correl almost went strate past him lucky cas he was so play full lol
all n all i had a awsome trip at cairns its too bad i have to call it quits and head back to brisbane because i have no more work on up hear but i gess more money meains more trips like theses
now for the tropical cyclone yasi u may have hurd about this masive storm/cyclone coming to hit cairns last week !! yea u did who didint lol the news amd medea toataly blue it out of poportation it was only a cat 3 cyclone when it hit cairns and not a cat 5 so cairns got a lill windy and we lost power for a bit but it wosent as bad as tolly they got creemend im going to see if people need help tomoro on my way down to brisbane because we all helped out brisbane when they needed it but tolly and the far north isint getting that much help but the few that are hellping grate work guys !!! hear is some pix of cairns cbd getting smashed by yassy also hears a funny jock What did Yasi say to the coconut palm? Hang onto your nuts this is no ordinary blow job! Pass it on and keep smiling
crazy stuff hay guys well now fore the finel part of my blog u may of hured about the flooding in brisbane and ipswich well it was crazy the bottom of my street went under and we also lost power for 2 days wasent fun really caint beleve how much i rely on power from these last few disarsters i have realised to be a minamilest lol na me never im just gona get a generater iv been helping mates with playses to stay and kepping ther minds off the bad tings by getting everyone drunk as much as i can it helps ,, hear is some more pix this is ipswich
so im off on a nother crazy road trip tomorw hopfully i can make it thrue to brisbane im stopping of at macky to have dinner with an old frend than a nother days drive to my new home yay wish me luck xx

hahha its a mega big clam i wonted to get a funny photo of this one but my dive buddy was too far away !! it had some amazing fluro collors on it but i needed a touch with me so thats a must for the next time i go diving lol!! gets me all exiceted when i look at the big clam mmmmm lol

i love this photo its so peace full ,

and cant forget the amazing green turtle he was so big i wonder if he was the younger brother of brian the huge mega big green sea turtle famous for being so big brian is a 3m and a 140 year old creature,,so amazing swimming alongside this giant !!

this guy was so cool chilling out under some correl almost went strate past him lucky cas he was so play full lol
all n all i had a awsome trip at cairns its too bad i have to call it quits and head back to brisbane because i have no more work on up hear but i gess more money meains more trips like theses
now for the tropical cyclone yasi u may have hurd about this masive storm/cyclone coming to hit cairns last week !! yea u did who didint lol the news amd medea toataly blue it out of poportation it was only a cat 3 cyclone when it hit cairns and not a cat 5 so cairns got a lill windy and we lost power for a bit but it wosent as bad as tolly they got creemend im going to see if people need help tomoro on my way down to brisbane because we all helped out brisbane when they needed it but tolly and the far north isint getting that much help but the few that are hellping grate work guys !!! hear is some pix of cairns cbd getting smashed by yassy also hears a funny jock What did Yasi say to the coconut palm? Hang onto your nuts this is no ordinary blow job! Pass it on and keep smiling

crazy stuff hay guys well now fore the finel part of my blog u may of hured about the flooding in brisbane and ipswich well it was crazy the bottom of my street went under and we also lost power for 2 days wasent fun really caint beleve how much i rely on power from these last few disarsters i have realised to be a minamilest lol na me never im just gona get a generater iv been helping mates with playses to stay and kepping ther minds off the bad tings by getting everyone drunk as much as i can it helps ,, hear is some more pix this is ipswich

so im off on a nother crazy road trip tomorw hopfully i can make it thrue to brisbane im stopping of at macky to have dinner with an old frend than a nother days drive to my new home yay wish me luck xx