yer back home yet again sweet brisbane wether is just the best sept today was pritty hot ,, and last night dam that dust really sucked , but now it is all good yester day i went out and bort myself a wii oh its awsome i got the we fit and we dungbells hahah its so fun skiying and runing around dooing all sorts of things with it good fun ,,, well i wonted something to ocupy my mind as iv recently gave up some habits that wernt really good for the old mind ,, lol ,,, new life ,and new beginings i say , ,, im going to get into my paintings tomoro night its going to be good all new oil paints to play with so im going to be quiite the busy lil bever ,, hopfuly work wont send me away ani were in the next few weeks caz i really wont to finish off these paintings , and also revamp some of my old ones ,,,,,,