ahh back in brisbane for this week than im off to cambra again woo ho get to finish off the wow store but up all the external signage . my boss came down from his god like throun and said:hay ude chris man hay do u kno u have like 260 hours up for holladays !!!! and i was like alll like wow man are u for realll hahah , whats that like a couple of weeks and hes all na man its more like 2 mounths or something hahaha ,, me how awsome is that means i get to go to san fran syscko or some were not shore where ,sanfran might be next year and that would be cool ,but ani thoughts on where i should go im in australia and have no clue were to hang out for a lill holladay ,,, let me know if u have ani deas ,,,, ,,,, , , ,, ANI WHO iv almost finished sash she has only got a few more hours left on her but ill prob finishe it tomoro night ,,, ,,, cc out
Did you finish Sash, I would love to see it.