FUCK SG!!!! they fucking rejected my pics!!! fucking assholes, they are really good pics and i know it. "we already have our halloween sets picked out". fuck you! im not going to keep wasting my time, money and effort sending them good pics and not getting paid for it, especially when i lose the right to those pics despite them not being posted and not...
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i hope you keeeeep trying, i'm sure one set will go through......i kinda know how you feel....you really get motivated and truely feel good about your effort but then.....you don't get it......i'm taking a so called design class and the teacher flat out told me i couldn't use any textures found on my own time only through their fuckin sloppy thirds advertising freebee stock book....go figure hug???? can we see a sample???
yay, so last night i took my 2nd set. this one turned out really good. I got some lights and a punkin' and some leaves and well, you'll see. i hope. i'll spaz out if this set gets rejected..i dont think i can do any better. hm. last night went to the bar, had some fun. feel yucky today, sometimes i wonder how i can...
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Looking forward to your pics... love
blah! my first set was rejected. I expected it to be, but it kindof sucks anyways. so i need to come up with something more interesting to be doing.sigh.
so i took my first set and sent it yesterday, though im a little mad at myself..i for some reason assumed that using the flash on the camera was a no-no, so many of my pictures turned out blurry and such..but then i emailed someone on here, and they said that flash is fine.so damnit.i almost hope they reject it so i can retake them.....
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oh cool smile i want see your first set wink
direct flash can be harsh, a bounce card or defuer work great, or during when you have good natural light
so i just was snooping around on here and found out im whats called a limbo girl..a member waiting to become a model.hm. i need to get a move on with sending in my forms though, im such a putz. so anyway,went to a super party last night.my boyfriend's band played & another band too,lots o'booze, lots o' people, lots o' fun. i posted a...
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well, not quite Limbo Girl. you're a Limbo Girl when a photo set is accepted.

welcome to SG world. make sure you check out the SG Twin Cities gruop. we're quite active and supportive. it'll also give you a chance to talk with and meet the 6 or 8 SGs we have here.
So I applied to be a model on here, and guess what? victory is mine! I still havent got around to taking my first photo set, i should be doing it within the week, so hopefully you can see me soon as Lafayette.when those pics come up, make sure to be my friend, i think the more friends i have & such, the more they'll...
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Congrads on the victory!

Wow I can't wait for the photo set, it will be hot...... love

So this is my journal. im having troubles getting things to work right on here so yeah we'll see. mad
wow you are really cute!!!! love love blush