its a good thing im not a fetus, cuz im damn drunk. tonight was going well enough, now, not so much, blah. im snuggling my ghosty and kindof wish i was home snuggling my kittywinks. but alas im not. it sucks being a person who has to get along with other people. very inconvenient.
i bought some cute new clothes this weekend. i shouldnt have because i am so freakishly broke, i shouldnt be allowed to have credit cards. sigh..
oh yeah, me & tim lost the apartment, the assclown landlord gave it to someone else without even checking our credit etc, cuz he sent the application fee check back. fuck that guy.
im still scared and confused about the whole thing. fighting doesnt help that either.
though i was excited about the upcoming sgtc fleshfest. as thats where me & my honey met originally. sortof romantic in an odd way. whatev, i should probly go..but have nothing else to do really.
bye then i guess. maybe ill go home. maybe i wont,
who know where home will be in another 2 months and if ill even be able to leave to go to it.
i bought some cute new clothes this weekend. i shouldnt have because i am so freakishly broke, i shouldnt be allowed to have credit cards. sigh..
oh yeah, me & tim lost the apartment, the assclown landlord gave it to someone else without even checking our credit etc, cuz he sent the application fee check back. fuck that guy.
im still scared and confused about the whole thing. fighting doesnt help that either.
though i was excited about the upcoming sgtc fleshfest. as thats where me & my honey met originally. sortof romantic in an odd way. whatev, i should probly go..but have nothing else to do really.
bye then i guess. maybe ill go home. maybe i wont,
who know where home will be in another 2 months and if ill even be able to leave to go to it.