Nothin much to update about,but my last entry is getting pretty old. its almost valentines day..apparently my bf is getting me a present that is $150, but i can figure out what it is.. we got the last table at forepaugh's, yummy.. then.. my birthday is coming up too. i was wanting to go on the minnesota zephyr (40's style dinner train), but it costs $81 a person not including drinks, tax & tip.. so its kindof hard getting friends roped into going..and then im pretty sure i wouldnt get any presents..
and that would suck,so i need to come up with an alternative plan..but i dont have one.. blug.. thats all for now, gotta goto work soon, but thanks to all who left me messages about my set

have fun on V day, and tell me how forepaugh's is i'v never heard of it. i'm taking my girl to Fuji Ya, she wants sushi.
i'd love to come on the Zephyr with ya i've thought of it my self, but alas the money. it always comes down to the money.