last night i got a jacuzzi suite hotel room thing with my BF to take some pics& have some were taken, fun was had. though im upset about the pics, i changed the settings on my camera to try & eliminate the blurriness that has plagued my previous sets o'rejection,and alas, there was no blur..but much grainyness and mysterious darkness..the setting was actually quite bright in real life, so the damn camera did something that ruined my set and im very mad..i submitted the set anyways because my poses etc, were AWESOME.this was the set that would finally get accepted.a tired setting ( a jacuzzi tub), but i assure you, these were some HOT pictures. so hopefully the SG gods will have mercy on me and just photoshop the damn pictures to lighten them up/reduce grainyness..but not likely.they hate me. so im rather depressed as that was a rather expensive hotel room, and i have never looked so goodin trying to recreate the set will really fucking suck. p.s. if anyone wants to buy me a jacuzzi tub,i would reward you with fulltime webcam of me in said jacuzzi tub..damn i love jacuzzi tubs.
Good luck with the SG submission. This time will be it for sure!

if these pictures are hot like the other ones, and you don't get accepted, we should send them a box of glasses and coupons to lenscrafters!!