went out to the bar again, there was a lot of annoying trendy types there, but once i was drunk i didnt care so much.went to metro state U today & found out that im closer to be done with school than i thought.woohoo! ive been going forever and havent seemed to get anywhere with it. so yeah, im pretty jazzed about now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as far as thats concerned.
theres me at the bar..my boyfriend put his hat on me.and it looks good on me..but not on him.poor guy.
Hey look, its my ghetto xmas tree in all its crooked silver glory!
and wait, i have one more, its me with my kitty and my ghetto tree.arent you excited?hahaha
I finally figured out how to insert pics into my journals, can you tell?
so otherwise ive been spending way too much time at the dentists office..notice to any girls that might read this:NEVER go on depo-provera(the shot). it leached the calcium out of my teeth and so now im in the process of getting 13 cavities filled due to "de-calcification". and thats just 1 of the problems that horrid shot has caused me. i wont go into it further here, but just take my word for it, that shit is evil.
soooooo anywhoo... hope all you people's days are going well and umm..happy xmas or something
bye bye then!

theres me at the bar..my boyfriend put his hat on me.and it looks good on me..but not on him.poor guy.
Hey look, its my ghetto xmas tree in all its crooked silver glory!

and wait, i have one more, its me with my kitty and my ghetto tree.arent you excited?hahaha

I finally figured out how to insert pics into my journals, can you tell?
so otherwise ive been spending way too much time at the dentists office..notice to any girls that might read this:NEVER go on depo-provera(the shot). it leached the calcium out of my teeth and so now im in the process of getting 13 cavities filled due to "de-calcification". and thats just 1 of the problems that horrid shot has caused me. i wont go into it further here, but just take my word for it, that shit is evil.
soooooo anywhoo... hope all you people's days are going well and umm..happy xmas or something
bye bye then!

Nice cat.
Even better tree.