so i got all extra wasted on saturday,it was awesome.the next day was not so awesome.i dont know how people could be bulemic,puking is the worst thing ever. and man, if you like chicks with mad cameltoes, go to allary's bar in downtown st.paul.uck. the bartenders have to wear these hideous little boyshort underwear things that look so tacky & trashy & of course theyre wearing tennisshoes too which just makes the whole outfit even worse. if i worked there, id demand to wear a mini skirt or something. hm, so yeah, not much to chat about, almost x-mas time or whatever you want to call it, im not into jesus, but i dont likethe word reminds me of poo..maybe because of the whole yule log not all that excited about anything, i already claimed my present form my mom.a gamecube. im getting kindof crappy presents from my boyfriend as usual, and best friend is a total twat now, so im not expecting anything great from her, although i did have a shirt made for her that says "ask me about my syphilis".. it so funny. thats all for now, ill get around to taking more pics (nudey & otherwise) sometime soon hopefully so stay tuned.
oink oink

where did you get the shirt made??? online store or in town?? i want to make a shirt that says "my other shirt's at your girlfriends place" type to you soon....
sounds like u had a good time .... i havent done that in years ... cant wait to saa the new pics of u