FUCK SG!!!! they fucking rejected my pics!!! fucking assholes, they are really good pics and i know it. "we already have our halloween sets picked out". fuck you! im not going to keep wasting my time, money and effort sending them good pics and not getting paid for it, especially when i lose the right to those pics despite them not being posted and not being paid!! arg!!! this is so fucking stupid. just because im fucking carving a pumpkin doesnt mean it has to be a halloween set. my pics are way better than a bunch of sets on here already. well they can go fuck themselves. and if you want to see these pics, feel free to email laurajean@suicidegirls.com
and let her know.
and whats even worse, they send you the same stock rejection email every time, i got the same exact email the first time. I followed all the "tips" to have a better set, and lo and behold i get the same fucking email not even acknowledging that its my 2ND set and that the pics are much better. you know, maybe they should have some sort of specific list saying what "themes" or something they want, theres got to be tons of other girls wasting their times besides me because theres almost no way to know exactly what they want. godamnit im so pissed off. i went and bought a $300 camera just so i could take these fucking pictures.
and let her know.
and whats even worse, they send you the same stock rejection email every time, i got the same exact email the first time. I followed all the "tips" to have a better set, and lo and behold i get the same fucking email not even acknowledging that its my 2ND set and that the pics are much better. you know, maybe they should have some sort of specific list saying what "themes" or something they want, theres got to be tons of other girls wasting their times besides me because theres almost no way to know exactly what they want. godamnit im so pissed off. i went and bought a $300 camera just so i could take these fucking pictures.
i hope you keeeeep trying, i'm sure one set will go through......i kinda know how you feel....you really get motivated and truely feel good about your effort but then.....you don't get it......i'm taking a so called design class and the teacher flat out told me i couldn't use any textures found on my own time only through their fuckin sloppy thirds advertising freebee stock book....go figure hug???? can we see a sample???