I just got to hold aroun $75,000 worth of comics in my hands not two minutes ago.
Shane pages me and tells me to come into the back office, so I'm thinking "Oh shit, I'm in trouble" or "Oh shit, he's going to pull some dirty trick on me."
So, he takes me into the accounting office where the safe is and pulls out a stack of maybe 15 comic books.
I am telling you the god's honest truth.
Amazing Spider-Man #1.
Fantastic Four #1.
The Incredible Hulk #1.
Daredevil #1.
Plus a number of them went from the first issue to maybe around th 5th or 6th.
Seriously, all first editions and IN AMAZING FUCKING CONDITION.
Apparently someone just brought them in last night looking to sell them. He got $100 cash. The person who was the book buyer at the time had no idea what they were worth and bviosuly neither did the person who brought them in.
And now they're in the safe because we don't know what to do with them. Nobody in Flagstaff is going to come in here and drop 30 grand on the Spider-man. So we are thinking Ebay but we're not sure if the company policy would allow it.
If I were wealthy, I would have bought them the instant I saw them. But I could buy a house for what we could fetch for these books on ebay.
I'm excited and depressed at the same time.
Having worked at two comic book stores, this is so fantastic I think I amost peed a little.
we actualy gave him $600. but still, that's not even a fraction of what just one of those books was worth. the story goes that around 10 pm last night (a teusday, mind you) that some 19 yeard old brought these books in saying they were his brothers. so, now because we suspect that they're stolen, we have to hold them for 30 days and ait for a potential police report cause this is pretty shady.
and we looked up the near mint prices of these books, and they actually came out to around 170,000 dollars. 22 comic books. god!!!
me and everyone else in the store is trying to hatch all these crazy schemes to make any number of these books ours. but the spider-man alone is twice my yearly salary, so......
I just got to hold aroun $75,000 worth of comics in my hands not two minutes ago.
Shane pages me and tells me to come into the back office, so I'm thinking "Oh shit, I'm in trouble" or "Oh shit, he's going to pull some dirty trick on me."
So, he takes me into the accounting office where the safe is and pulls out a stack of maybe 15 comic books.
I am telling you the god's honest truth.
Amazing Spider-Man #1.
Fantastic Four #1.
The Incredible Hulk #1.
Daredevil #1.
Plus a number of them went from the first issue to maybe around th 5th or 6th.
Seriously, all first editions and IN AMAZING FUCKING CONDITION.
Apparently someone just brought them in last night looking to sell them. He got $100 cash. The person who was the book buyer at the time had no idea what they were worth and bviosuly neither did the person who brought them in.
And now they're in the safe because we don't know what to do with them. Nobody in Flagstaff is going to come in here and drop 30 grand on the Spider-man. So we are thinking Ebay but we're not sure if the company policy would allow it.
If I were wealthy, I would have bought them the instant I saw them. But I could buy a house for what we could fetch for these books on ebay.
I'm excited and depressed at the same time.
Having worked at two comic book stores, this is so fantastic I think I amost peed a little.

we actualy gave him $600. but still, that's not even a fraction of what just one of those books was worth. the story goes that around 10 pm last night (a teusday, mind you) that some 19 yeard old brought these books in saying they were his brothers. so, now because we suspect that they're stolen, we have to hold them for 30 days and ait for a potential police report cause this is pretty shady.
and we looked up the near mint prices of these books, and they actually came out to around 170,000 dollars. 22 comic books. god!!!
me and everyone else in the store is trying to hatch all these crazy schemes to make any number of these books ours. but the spider-man alone is twice my yearly salary, so......

either they is fuckin hotter then georgia asphalt in july or that kid has a really really angry brother right now!
would that be considered justifible homicide? heh j/k.
after another awkward five seconds the kid goes "Heh. That's a reprint." My life was shattered.