so i'm watching this fight on ESPN, between the Indiana Pacers and some punkass fools who paid to watch them play the Pistons in detroit.
the only thing that bugged me, was when a pacer would throw a punch and it wouldnt connect.
call me a commie, but i enjoy sports by rooting FOR the team i choose. i tend to keep my rooting AGAINST the other team to a minimum, because it silly. and i would hope i'm never the ridiculous prick who finds it nessesary to throw shit on some guys who are in the middle of a heated competition.
this aint gonna change anything, assholes still make the world go round. but it was nice seeing some miserable prick get smacked in the face.
not because i was rooting agianst the fans, but because i was rooting for the players.
i've got this nasty habit. i can hardly ever listen to music, especially new (to me) music, without wanting to jump on the computer and deconstruct it or create something new inspired by it. and these creations never amount to more than doodles. so basicly, its a waste of time. it wouldnt be so bad, you could call it a hobby, if time wasnt such a valuable resource for me right now. i need to focus myself to spend my time on things that will bring me positive results, and music doodling isn't that right now. but its frickin hard not to follow the urge.
its hard to for me to find the right few things and focus on them. i've got way too many interests and distractions. it seems i've been working on focus and self discipline for 5 years, and it only comes a few days or weeks at a time, before i fall into old patterns.
but i'm still trying.
where's tony robbins when you need him?
haha. and so i'll leave you with this:
Matt Foley: [ runs up the stairs, bouncing back and forth as he talks ] Alright, how's everybody? Good! Good! Good! Now, as your father probably told you, my name is Matt Foley, and I am a Motivational Speaker! Now, let's get started by me giving you a little bit of a scenario of what my life is all about! First off, I am 35 years old.. I am divorced.. and I live in a van down by the river! Now, you kids are probably saying to yourself, "Now, I'm gonna go out, and I'm gonna get the world by the tail, and wrap it around and put it in my pocket!!" Well, I'm here to tell you that you're probably gonna find out, as you go out there, that you're not gonna amount to Jack Squat!!" You're gonna end up eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river! Now, young man, what do you want to do with your life?
the only thing that bugged me, was when a pacer would throw a punch and it wouldnt connect.
call me a commie, but i enjoy sports by rooting FOR the team i choose. i tend to keep my rooting AGAINST the other team to a minimum, because it silly. and i would hope i'm never the ridiculous prick who finds it nessesary to throw shit on some guys who are in the middle of a heated competition.
this aint gonna change anything, assholes still make the world go round. but it was nice seeing some miserable prick get smacked in the face.
not because i was rooting agianst the fans, but because i was rooting for the players.
i've got this nasty habit. i can hardly ever listen to music, especially new (to me) music, without wanting to jump on the computer and deconstruct it or create something new inspired by it. and these creations never amount to more than doodles. so basicly, its a waste of time. it wouldnt be so bad, you could call it a hobby, if time wasnt such a valuable resource for me right now. i need to focus myself to spend my time on things that will bring me positive results, and music doodling isn't that right now. but its frickin hard not to follow the urge.
its hard to for me to find the right few things and focus on them. i've got way too many interests and distractions. it seems i've been working on focus and self discipline for 5 years, and it only comes a few days or weeks at a time, before i fall into old patterns.
but i'm still trying.
where's tony robbins when you need him?
haha. and so i'll leave you with this:
Matt Foley: [ runs up the stairs, bouncing back and forth as he talks ] Alright, how's everybody? Good! Good! Good! Now, as your father probably told you, my name is Matt Foley, and I am a Motivational Speaker! Now, let's get started by me giving you a little bit of a scenario of what my life is all about! First off, I am 35 years old.. I am divorced.. and I live in a van down by the river! Now, you kids are probably saying to yourself, "Now, I'm gonna go out, and I'm gonna get the world by the tail, and wrap it around and put it in my pocket!!" Well, I'm here to tell you that you're probably gonna find out, as you go out there, that you're not gonna amount to Jack Squat!!" You're gonna end up eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river! Now, young man, what do you want to do with your life?
does it seem to you that there are too many options and opportunities for what to do with your time? i mean, personally, there are hundreds of things i would love to do, and to do well, but there is not enough time in the day to do even two of them.
sigh. must clean up and go look at house. scaaaary.