I can't even explain how I feel right now. It almost doesn't make a damn bit of sense.
I have done a complete 180.
The issue I was having before is totally in perspective. Finally, I feel like I have the whole story, that I understand, I am fine, I am better than fine - I am happy. Almost can say happy because this issue was brought out in the open. Amazingly enough. It forced a really good discussion where everyone was honest, everyone was forthright, everyone was open and although it got a little heated at times, was totally loving on all sides. I know now where everything stands, but not too much to ruin all of the wonderful things that are in our future. I understand that my issues with these things in the first place, although some were valid (the fact that I didn't know was horrible), are not really issues caused by their happening, but by my own hand. My own thoughts. My own insecurities.
No more skirting the feelings. No more angry projection of our own issues on the other. We are going to work through this together now. Support on both sides. Happy. Beautiful. This is how it should be - always.
If everyone had this...the world would be such a wonderful place.
My thought for the day: This is Bliss.
My listening pleasure: Misc Bullshit 3 Playlist.
Wearing: black tee and baggy green pants.
What I am avoiding to bring you this update: Focusing on how fucking hungry I am right now!
I have done a complete 180.
The issue I was having before is totally in perspective. Finally, I feel like I have the whole story, that I understand, I am fine, I am better than fine - I am happy. Almost can say happy because this issue was brought out in the open. Amazingly enough. It forced a really good discussion where everyone was honest, everyone was forthright, everyone was open and although it got a little heated at times, was totally loving on all sides. I know now where everything stands, but not too much to ruin all of the wonderful things that are in our future. I understand that my issues with these things in the first place, although some were valid (the fact that I didn't know was horrible), are not really issues caused by their happening, but by my own hand. My own thoughts. My own insecurities.
No more skirting the feelings. No more angry projection of our own issues on the other. We are going to work through this together now. Support on both sides. Happy. Beautiful. This is how it should be - always.
If everyone had this...the world would be such a wonderful place.
My thought for the day: This is Bliss.
My listening pleasure: Misc Bullshit 3 Playlist.
Wearing: black tee and baggy green pants.
What I am avoiding to bring you this update: Focusing on how fucking hungry I am right now!
glad everything is good sweetie !

i'm baaaaack