Hello everyone!
I have had a fantastic weekend. Went by boat to Catalina Island...thanks to my guy planning a great getaway for us. Saw some sights, great hotel room, LOTS of FANTASTIC sex...it was killer. Happy me.
I have been trying out being in a better mood again. When my guy and I first got back together, it was blissful. He did not overwork and he insisted on spending time with me and really enjoyed it...and I did not overscrutinize what he did and get angry that he was neglecting me (because he wasn't). Lately things have been hard - he works 12-20 hours a day. We don't get to do any of our usual fun things. Video game night has been shot. We have not gone out to one club since we have been here (which I really can't complain too much about because the people here are strange). When he is with me he worries about work. He has not been physically intimate much at all, and I have been feeling like I have to practically beg for it. It has been really hard.
But this weekend was wonderful, and I am trying out not being so sensitive, and he seems to be coming out of it a bit. It is a two way street.
We are making great money now, in contrast to a few months ago when we were scraping and borrowing to get by. It is freakish. We are doing soooo well. I just feel sometimes like we are forgetting what we should be doing - the music. That will change soon.
Hope everyone is fantastic. Go get laid.
My thought for the day: Homemade coffee malts and vicodin rock ass.
My listening pleasure: The new NIN album. It is not as bad as I was told.
Wearing: my goth jogging pants, a black sweater
What I am avoiding to bring you this update: Bothering my guy to the point where he wants to smack me.
German phrase of the day:
Habe ich dir schon gesagt, dass ich dich bumsen mochte?
"Have I told you that I want to fuck you?"
I have had a fantastic weekend. Went by boat to Catalina Island...thanks to my guy planning a great getaway for us. Saw some sights, great hotel room, LOTS of FANTASTIC sex...it was killer. Happy me.
I have been trying out being in a better mood again. When my guy and I first got back together, it was blissful. He did not overwork and he insisted on spending time with me and really enjoyed it...and I did not overscrutinize what he did and get angry that he was neglecting me (because he wasn't). Lately things have been hard - he works 12-20 hours a day. We don't get to do any of our usual fun things. Video game night has been shot. We have not gone out to one club since we have been here (which I really can't complain too much about because the people here are strange). When he is with me he worries about work. He has not been physically intimate much at all, and I have been feeling like I have to practically beg for it. It has been really hard.
But this weekend was wonderful, and I am trying out not being so sensitive, and he seems to be coming out of it a bit. It is a two way street.
We are making great money now, in contrast to a few months ago when we were scraping and borrowing to get by. It is freakish. We are doing soooo well. I just feel sometimes like we are forgetting what we should be doing - the music. That will change soon.
Hope everyone is fantastic. Go get laid.

My thought for the day: Homemade coffee malts and vicodin rock ass.
My listening pleasure: The new NIN album. It is not as bad as I was told.
Wearing: my goth jogging pants, a black sweater
What I am avoiding to bring you this update: Bothering my guy to the point where he wants to smack me.

German phrase of the day:
Habe ich dir schon gesagt, dass ich dich bumsen mochte?
"Have I told you that I want to fuck you?"
MMmmmmm... fantastic sex...... Mmmmmm.....
how ya been other than that?

MMmmmmm... fantastic sex...... Mmmmmm.....
how ya been other than that?