"We got the mother and the kids
We got the guy and his date
We all get mad
We all get laid
Looks like somebody forgot about us
Standin on the corner
Waitin for a bus
Say hey mister driver man
Dont be slow
Cause I got somewhere I got to go
Say hey mister driver man
Drive that thing fast
My precious time keep slippin past
Lets call the mayor lets complain
Looks like the citys done to us again
Tied up in traffic what do ya know
The damn city bus moves so slow
I said hey mister driver man
Dont be slow
Cause I got somewhere I got to go
Say hey mister driver man
Drive that thing fast
My precious time keep slippin past"
--The Violent Femmes, "Waiting For the Bus"
"You're never gonna hear me
This is never gonna stop
I'll have my people call your people
And tell you to kiss off"
--Severance, (untitled)
Why's it all gotta be such a pain in the ass?
Why does there have to be so much drama? So much questioning? So much fear?
You say you will never leave me. But can't say that you want to spend the rest of your life with me out loud. You ask me to share everything I have with you, and you will not share yourself.
I am your biggest question.
You are your own answer. If only you would listen.
My thought for the day: Gotta write more.
My listening pleasure: Misc Bullshit 2 Playlist: "Descent" by KY Deity, "Teen Angst" by Cracker
Question of the Day: Why?
Wearing: APC shirt, baggy pants (my fave crappy pants)
What I am avoiding to bring you this update: Work as usual.
We got the guy and his date
We all get mad
We all get laid
Looks like somebody forgot about us
Standin on the corner
Waitin for a bus
Say hey mister driver man
Dont be slow
Cause I got somewhere I got to go
Say hey mister driver man
Drive that thing fast
My precious time keep slippin past
Lets call the mayor lets complain
Looks like the citys done to us again
Tied up in traffic what do ya know
The damn city bus moves so slow
I said hey mister driver man
Dont be slow
Cause I got somewhere I got to go
Say hey mister driver man
Drive that thing fast
My precious time keep slippin past"
--The Violent Femmes, "Waiting For the Bus"
"You're never gonna hear me
This is never gonna stop
I'll have my people call your people
And tell you to kiss off"
--Severance, (untitled)
Why's it all gotta be such a pain in the ass?
Why does there have to be so much drama? So much questioning? So much fear?
You say you will never leave me. But can't say that you want to spend the rest of your life with me out loud. You ask me to share everything I have with you, and you will not share yourself.
I am your biggest question.
You are your own answer. If only you would listen.
My thought for the day: Gotta write more.
My listening pleasure: Misc Bullshit 2 Playlist: "Descent" by KY Deity, "Teen Angst" by Cracker
Question of the Day: Why?
Wearing: APC shirt, baggy pants (my fave crappy pants)
What I am avoiding to bring you this update: Work as usual.
What sucks is that he probably feels that if you truly love him you should be content with just leaving things the way they are, without the ring. I know it's important to you as it is to me. I would want someone to stand before family, friends, and the world and say this person belongs to me and I to them. Have you thought about trying a handfasting?
well, you know porn is more important than work!