Wednesday Mar 16, 2005 Mar 16, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I feel like I am in a big emotional limbo. *******WHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!******* (insert sarcasm here) VIEW 10 of 10 COMMENTS alkatraz: **hugs** Mar 18, 2005 jthrak: SHIT! You should've told me earlier!! We're going to see Interpol at the HOB. Fuck! let me know when's the next one. You know I would never laugh at yer' booty shakin' skillz. hehe. Wednesday was so fuckin' great. You are being kidnapped from now on to hang out. <3 me. Mar 20, 2005
You know I would never laugh at yer' booty shakin' skillz. hehe.
Wednesday was so fuckin' great. You are being kidnapped from now on to hang out.