Two new shows - Fri in Ocala at some fucking club, and Sat at the Deviance Festival at Will's Pub in Orlando FL. I will be looking sexy and sounding mean. You guys are welcome to get an eyefull...
Today has been a great day. I am all over it.
Come see me Saturday.
My thought for the day: "Stankin ass bitches that need to wash up, don't get mad cuz I don't wanna fuck, you need soap and water, soap and water..."
My listening pleasure: DJ Assault- Ass and Titties . Have you guys heard this shit??? ROFL!!!! Dude, some guy made flash movies...oh gods I'm gonna DIE...while I am at it, check this out too... I Eat People
Wearing: shiny black cargo pants, tank top, sweater, dazed expression...
Wish: Hell, I don't know. That Kevin Moore would sit in on my album. *shrug*
Today has been a great day. I am all over it.
Come see me Saturday.
My thought for the day: "Stankin ass bitches that need to wash up, don't get mad cuz I don't wanna fuck, you need soap and water, soap and water..."
My listening pleasure: DJ Assault- Ass and Titties . Have you guys heard this shit??? ROFL!!!! Dude, some guy made flash movies...oh gods I'm gonna DIE...while I am at it, check this out too... I Eat People
Wearing: shiny black cargo pants, tank top, sweater, dazed expression...
Wish: Hell, I don't know. That Kevin Moore would sit in on my album. *shrug*
cargo pants are the only proper accessory for the dazed look.
YOu have seen te SGM b4? Do you like Idiotflesh?