Hi everyone!
I have been a bit MIA...which is good. I have got my studio set up all the way now (minus el stolen synthesizer...*sigh*). I am loving it. I remember this feeling. It is like coming out of the abyss. Rock. I will have pics when I can - I haven't taken any yet.
I have also been working on starting up my own business, which is an offshoot of the company my guy works for. It is a lot of work, but will hopefully pay off.
The show was really fun. Funniest thing that happened all night - a friend of mine from another site, who I was supposed to meet there, never found me. However, she did find and mack on my guy. HAHAHA. He told me about it (which I will never understand - why do guys have to tell you every time they get hit on?). Then the next day, she messages me on the other site after seeing a pic of us together, and says "THAT'S your guy?!" Haha. I had a good laugh. I totally understand, I am used to chicks slobbering on my guy...obviously, I think he is smokin' hot. So of course I was not upset.
It is a funny thought though, why do guys tell you about these things? AND then they brag about blowing the girl off or saying that they have a girlfriend, like they get a gold star for not cheating on you. How strange. Haha. If I sat my guy down every time some guy hit on me, kissed my ass, did some huge favor for me because he thinks I'm hot or whatnot, I am pretty sure he would get really annoyed with all the time spent. Heh.
I have also been posting the shit out of my guy's community site - FindaFreek. It is lots of fun. The funniest part is that the other day his crazy ex-gf answers one of my posts, and I am pretty sure she has no idea who I am. So me, being the Scorpio I am, decided to hint around enough and throw out enough barbs until she got it. Didn't take long. It's a long story, but the words manipulative brainwashing cunt come to mind...and not just my mind, either.
Dammit, my heart has been acting up too. I do NOT have the money to go see a fucking cardiologist. I guess that is what I get...
My thought for the day: I am simultaneously incredibly happy, confused, and overwhelmed. I have an apparent inability to direct the course of my own life at the moment. I guess it is because I have ceased to force issues...
My listening pleasure: The Prodigy - Narayan, Skinny Puppy - Distemper, Sting, and Pearl Jam. I know, I told you guys I am WEIRD.
Wearing: strategically faded jeans that used to be tight (WTF?) and a tight black t shirt. Heeled boots. Makeup (for the first time in 2 days).
Wish: That I could psychically communicate with people so all those pesky words wouldn't get in the way.
I have been a bit MIA...which is good. I have got my studio set up all the way now (minus el stolen synthesizer...*sigh*). I am loving it. I remember this feeling. It is like coming out of the abyss. Rock. I will have pics when I can - I haven't taken any yet.
I have also been working on starting up my own business, which is an offshoot of the company my guy works for. It is a lot of work, but will hopefully pay off.
The show was really fun. Funniest thing that happened all night - a friend of mine from another site, who I was supposed to meet there, never found me. However, she did find and mack on my guy. HAHAHA. He told me about it (which I will never understand - why do guys have to tell you every time they get hit on?). Then the next day, she messages me on the other site after seeing a pic of us together, and says "THAT'S your guy?!" Haha. I had a good laugh. I totally understand, I am used to chicks slobbering on my guy...obviously, I think he is smokin' hot. So of course I was not upset.
It is a funny thought though, why do guys tell you about these things? AND then they brag about blowing the girl off or saying that they have a girlfriend, like they get a gold star for not cheating on you. How strange. Haha. If I sat my guy down every time some guy hit on me, kissed my ass, did some huge favor for me because he thinks I'm hot or whatnot, I am pretty sure he would get really annoyed with all the time spent. Heh.
I have also been posting the shit out of my guy's community site - FindaFreek. It is lots of fun. The funniest part is that the other day his crazy ex-gf answers one of my posts, and I am pretty sure she has no idea who I am. So me, being the Scorpio I am, decided to hint around enough and throw out enough barbs until she got it. Didn't take long. It's a long story, but the words manipulative brainwashing cunt come to mind...and not just my mind, either.
Dammit, my heart has been acting up too. I do NOT have the money to go see a fucking cardiologist. I guess that is what I get...
My thought for the day: I am simultaneously incredibly happy, confused, and overwhelmed. I have an apparent inability to direct the course of my own life at the moment. I guess it is because I have ceased to force issues...
My listening pleasure: The Prodigy - Narayan, Skinny Puppy - Distemper, Sting, and Pearl Jam. I know, I told you guys I am WEIRD.
Wearing: strategically faded jeans that used to be tight (WTF?) and a tight black t shirt. Heeled boots. Makeup (for the first time in 2 days).
Wish: That I could psychically communicate with people so all those pesky words wouldn't get in the way.
Your top 5 things that make you happy contain wellbutrin, beer and ecstacy, thats my kind of girl. It is sad when strip clubs don't serve boos
my top 2 ...me ... BOOZE...oh ok u too