Okay guys...that was really funny. Thank you to everyone for your ideas on what Angel and I can call each other. He seems to be sticking to "my girl" lately, or that is the way he refers to me when speaking with his music-biz associates. One of them whom he talked to last night - who I have met, way before Angel and I talked of getting back together (he is a friend of my friend and Angel knows him some other way). It was funny though, this guy is in a fairly popular S FL band, and he said to Angel "yeah, I just went to NAMM Nashville with a friend of that girl you're...uh...dating". I laughed really hard. DATING. Yeah, we see each every once in a while, when the mood strikes us. Like right when we wake up, almost all day, and then when we go to bed. Silly humans. I guess this guy is used to Angel's playboy side, and really doesn't know me much more than the "hi, nice to meet you, oh you are that guy who is friends with my ex boyfriend in California" conversation we had once, and the handful of times we have said hi in business settings since. In fact, if he remembers who the hell I am, I would be impressed. Most people don't forget me, but this guy doesn't strike me as the sharpest knife, if ya know what I mean.
Anyways, I think Angel is doing a fantabulous job of respecting me as his SO in music/business settings. In fact he said to his bandmate on the phone last night that even though he is sitting a panel in a music conf in Feb. and playing a gig with his other band in LA, that he insists on being back with me for valentines day. That's gnarly, considering that is like 6 months down the line. Of course he was also talking about doing a halloween show with them, and I was thinking "my birthday, you twit!!!" but I kept my mouth shut. If he is not here for my birthday it won't kill me. You guys will all throw me a party, right?
I am trying out this new thing...dunno if you guys have heard of it...it's called patience. I haven't tried it out before, but it is a lot less nerve wracking than the alternative of wanting something and stressing about why I can't have it NOW...hahaha...silly Scorpio Contradiction....

Anyways, I think Angel is doing a fantabulous job of respecting me as his SO in music/business settings. In fact he said to his bandmate on the phone last night that even though he is sitting a panel in a music conf in Feb. and playing a gig with his other band in LA, that he insists on being back with me for valentines day. That's gnarly, considering that is like 6 months down the line. Of course he was also talking about doing a halloween show with them, and I was thinking "my birthday, you twit!!!" but I kept my mouth shut. If he is not here for my birthday it won't kill me. You guys will all throw me a party, right?

I am trying out this new thing...dunno if you guys have heard of it...it's called patience. I haven't tried it out before, but it is a lot less nerve wracking than the alternative of wanting something and stressing about why I can't have it NOW...hahaha...silly Scorpio Contradiction....

But then again, I'm thinking of my situation, not yours. Just make sure you're not settling. Never settle for anything less than absolutely everything. Don't go for a "the good outweighs the bad" mindset. You deserve better than that. If he's capable of giving it all to you, make sure he does so, don't let him portion things like love and respect out in doses. Tell him what you want in no uncertain words. He may suprise you and give you everything you've ever wanted and more. I'm trying to be in a postive mood today, so I'm not going to talk about the flip side of that scenario. We guys may be dense, but call us to task and we can do some pretty amazing things. I understand you don't want to pressure him and spook him on it, GOD I know what that's like. But don't hide your dreams away in the back of your head.
By the way, I never, ever take my own advice...