Today is a sad day.
I recently found out that one of my close friends killed himself a few nights ago.
He was not a perfect human being by any stench of the imagination. He was loud, rude, annoying, ignorant, and probably one of the most disturbing people I have ever known. He was the guy who made dead hooker jokes, loved gags about people being abused, and really enjoyed watching movies about things that normal people would be disturbed by. He loved metal, no love doesn't even come close, he worshiped metal. The music, the bands, the clothing, the style, and the philosophy of it's harsh sounding appearance and deeper layer of lyrics almost embodied him as a person. He could always been seen hanging out and standing out like a sore thumb with one of his offensive t-shirts, his huge red beard, and his loud and unruly nature.
Yet, what might shock you, and it did many, was that he was one of the most devoted Christians I have ever met. He was a man of huge faith and not just faith, but action. He hated the corporate and political natures of Churches and religious groups. He was someone who wanted to get back to the heart of the gospel, back to the revolutionary side of Jesus' message. He was someone who wanted to bring the Kingdom of God, here on earth, as it was in Heaven and to him, that meant uplifting the poor, the marginal, the sick, and the weak. He embraced people of all creeds and colours, sexualities and philosophizes, and in the end, he believed that Jesus could be someone who could lead anyone and everyone. He was a follower of what he described as "Christianless Christianity".
More than being a metal head, he was a dreamer. He envisioned huge offerings of resources and money to the poor, book and book he would write and give all the funding away to needy, he pictured big sermons that would change the lives of thousands, and he wanted to change the world. He didn't even come close, but I think he changed a lot of people's lives by being so loving and supportive and just out right crazy.
I love you and will miss you mate.
Me and him at my SHAVE FOR A CURE
I recently found out that one of my close friends killed himself a few nights ago.
He was not a perfect human being by any stench of the imagination. He was loud, rude, annoying, ignorant, and probably one of the most disturbing people I have ever known. He was the guy who made dead hooker jokes, loved gags about people being abused, and really enjoyed watching movies about things that normal people would be disturbed by. He loved metal, no love doesn't even come close, he worshiped metal. The music, the bands, the clothing, the style, and the philosophy of it's harsh sounding appearance and deeper layer of lyrics almost embodied him as a person. He could always been seen hanging out and standing out like a sore thumb with one of his offensive t-shirts, his huge red beard, and his loud and unruly nature.
Yet, what might shock you, and it did many, was that he was one of the most devoted Christians I have ever met. He was a man of huge faith and not just faith, but action. He hated the corporate and political natures of Churches and religious groups. He was someone who wanted to get back to the heart of the gospel, back to the revolutionary side of Jesus' message. He was someone who wanted to bring the Kingdom of God, here on earth, as it was in Heaven and to him, that meant uplifting the poor, the marginal, the sick, and the weak. He embraced people of all creeds and colours, sexualities and philosophizes, and in the end, he believed that Jesus could be someone who could lead anyone and everyone. He was a follower of what he described as "Christianless Christianity".
More than being a metal head, he was a dreamer. He envisioned huge offerings of resources and money to the poor, book and book he would write and give all the funding away to needy, he pictured big sermons that would change the lives of thousands, and he wanted to change the world. He didn't even come close, but I think he changed a lot of people's lives by being so loving and supportive and just out right crazy.
I love you and will miss you mate.

Me and him at my SHAVE FOR A CURE

It is his legacy of wanting to change the world for the better he should be his legacy and he will live forever in your memory......