Well, many things have been going on latey, so I thought I would post an update to let you all know why I haven't been on lately.
Zohe is growing like a weed. She is now 9 lbs. 5 oz. and about 24 inches long. She had a really bad spit up spell for a couple of days where she would spit up Exorcist style. It scared the shit out of Harvey and I, so we decided to take her in to the emergency room on Saturday evening. The doctor says we were over feeding her and that we should switch to normal formula, beings we had her on soy. I have stopped breastfeeding all together because I wasn't producing enough to feed my chubby little burrito. But she is well now and is an awesome baby.
Harvey, my fiance, is in Las Vegas until Thursday and I miss him like crazy. Being apart from him really lets me know just how much I value and love him. He is there for training and hopefully when he returns, he will get promoted so that we can make a more substantial income.
I'm doing a lot better since giving birth. My blood pressure is finally out of the red zone and my 4th degree tear is healing up nicely. All 42 stitches should be dissolved in no time. But, my iron levels are still very low, which is why I am still so weak and exhausted all the time, not to mention, I'm taking care of a newborn!
Harvey and I deserve a well needed vacation and we have decided to head to Disneyland next year for a week. It should be very fun and exciting considering he has never been there. Besides, it's my favorite place in the world and I would much rather go to Disneyland than say Europe or the Bahamas. We are hoping to tie the knot soon, but are still waiting on certain paperwork to go through.
I will update again soon, and I will make an honest effort to be on as much as I can. Talk to you all soon...
- Contessla
Zohe is growing like a weed. She is now 9 lbs. 5 oz. and about 24 inches long. She had a really bad spit up spell for a couple of days where she would spit up Exorcist style. It scared the shit out of Harvey and I, so we decided to take her in to the emergency room on Saturday evening. The doctor says we were over feeding her and that we should switch to normal formula, beings we had her on soy. I have stopped breastfeeding all together because I wasn't producing enough to feed my chubby little burrito. But she is well now and is an awesome baby.
Harvey, my fiance, is in Las Vegas until Thursday and I miss him like crazy. Being apart from him really lets me know just how much I value and love him. He is there for training and hopefully when he returns, he will get promoted so that we can make a more substantial income.
I'm doing a lot better since giving birth. My blood pressure is finally out of the red zone and my 4th degree tear is healing up nicely. All 42 stitches should be dissolved in no time. But, my iron levels are still very low, which is why I am still so weak and exhausted all the time, not to mention, I'm taking care of a newborn!
Harvey and I deserve a well needed vacation and we have decided to head to Disneyland next year for a week. It should be very fun and exciting considering he has never been there. Besides, it's my favorite place in the world and I would much rather go to Disneyland than say Europe or the Bahamas. We are hoping to tie the knot soon, but are still waiting on certain paperwork to go through.
I will update again soon, and I will make an honest effort to be on as much as I can. Talk to you all soon...
- Contessla

disneyland sounds like and awesome plan, ive always wanted to go.
good to hear everything is ok with zohe
Well hopefully things pick up from here- and lots of exciting things happen.. or come easiliy!