I'm officially 36 weeks.
Nervous as fuck.
I think it's probably because I watch too much of those birth shows on TLC. For the last 9 months I have been telling myself I'm going to do this natural meaning no pain medications at all. I thought that I could overcome the pain by deep breathing and remaining calm. I'm now starting to believe that this pain will be unlike anything else I have ever felt. Now, the thing is, I have a high pain tolerance, I'm a masochist for fucks sake. But when I think about it, I'm a puss when it comes to menstrual cramps. Now, if hard labor contractions feel like menstrual cramps x100, I'm going to be so fucked. I'm the type of girl that will most likely vomit if pain is too much. I have in the past. Yeah it's gross, but I can't really tell my body not to, you know? I just wish this were my second child, or perhaps that I would have already known what to expect. I'm not dialated much, but I do feel lots of pressure which makes walking a chore. I'm just waiting until I hit 37 weeks, maybe 38 to start home induction remedies. Lots of sex, nipple stimulation and Raspberry Tea in the weeks to follow.
This should be really interesting.
Love Contessla.
ps - I can't wait for "The Dark Knight" to come out...Can I get an Amen?

I'm officially 36 weeks.
Nervous as fuck.
I think it's probably because I watch too much of those birth shows on TLC. For the last 9 months I have been telling myself I'm going to do this natural meaning no pain medications at all. I thought that I could overcome the pain by deep breathing and remaining calm. I'm now starting to believe that this pain will be unlike anything else I have ever felt. Now, the thing is, I have a high pain tolerance, I'm a masochist for fucks sake. But when I think about it, I'm a puss when it comes to menstrual cramps. Now, if hard labor contractions feel like menstrual cramps x100, I'm going to be so fucked. I'm the type of girl that will most likely vomit if pain is too much. I have in the past. Yeah it's gross, but I can't really tell my body not to, you know? I just wish this were my second child, or perhaps that I would have already known what to expect. I'm not dialated much, but I do feel lots of pressure which makes walking a chore. I'm just waiting until I hit 37 weeks, maybe 38 to start home induction remedies. Lots of sex, nipple stimulation and Raspberry Tea in the weeks to follow.
This should be really interesting.
Love Contessla.
ps - I can't wait for "The Dark Knight" to come out...Can I get an Amen?

wow...36 weeks...im pretty much 24 now....but its all going soooo fast, im terrified too