Being a SG Hopeful is one big waiting game...Waiting for returned emails from prospective photographers, location owners, everything...
It's a good thing I served time in the Military, it taught me how to professionaly wait...
Now all I need is a healthy hobby to pass the minutes by...
XBOX anyone?
ps - My sister has a wicked case of the Chicken Pox. Here's some cheap entertainment on behalf of her...

Being a SG Hopeful is one big waiting game...Waiting for returned emails from prospective photographers, location owners, everything...
It's a good thing I served time in the Military, it taught me how to professionaly wait...
Now all I need is a healthy hobby to pass the minutes by...
XBOX anyone?
ps - My sister has a wicked case of the Chicken Pox. Here's some cheap entertainment on behalf of her...

Owned by chicken pox.