Sad news day: A friend's beloved cat had to be put down on her birthday; my friend with HIV is in hospital again battling for his life weighing less than 40 kilos - they don't know what to do for him and he won't allow visitors - it's touch and go; A girlfriend around my age is about to miscarry - she was 8 weeks pregnant and was told the fetus has probably been dead for two weeks and now she has to wait for the inevitable;
McDuff the Silver Goldfish died yesterday, Lady McBeth, the pretty fantail died today (we had her almost a year) ; Puck the lucky last fish we only got last week is looking really sick and forlorn; So much sadness all around me and there is nothing I can do.
McDuff the Silver Goldfish died yesterday, Lady McBeth, the pretty fantail died today (we had her almost a year) ; Puck the lucky last fish we only got last week is looking really sick and forlorn; So much sadness all around me and there is nothing I can do.

If the money was being spent to find one. It's a stupid world ......
Love to you & H x