Our good friend K died at 2.30am this morning. She lost her battle with stomach cancer only six weeks into her treatment in Thailand. We will miss her - her smile, the way she quietly and efficiently built up the b & b with her husband G, her amazing Thai cooking, her love, warmth and hospitality. She was Buddhist and her belief was that she...
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That is sad news indeed, hopefully she didn't suffer too much.

I'm so sorry for you. Are you managing alright?
The Adventures of Bridezilla-in-Training continue....
My Beloved reminded me that it's 23 weeks to the Wedding and we have quite a few errands to run in the coming weeks. I never thought I would marry someone who would be so involved in the wedding planning and actually enjoy it!
Two weeks ago we went on our first expedition to put together our gift registry at...
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My Beloved reminded me that it's 23 weeks to the Wedding and we have quite a few errands to run in the coming weeks. I never thought I would marry someone who would be so involved in the wedding planning and actually enjoy it!
Two weeks ago we went on our first expedition to put together our gift registry at...
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hun you should have asked i would have dsigned you a nice invatation for the wedding
glade things are working well leading up to that day
I'm trying to shift about 10kg myself at the moment
but this working shift hours isn't helping me much re trying to find time to exercise
glade things are working well leading up to that day
I'm trying to shift about 10kg myself at the moment
but this working shift hours isn't helping me much re trying to find time to exercise
You guys sound so cute. I could just imagine you two in David Jones running amuck!! Sounds like things are coming together, so very exciting!! And you said you might be moving here in the next year or so!! Awesome. There are lots of goths here, not that i've gone out yet, but the weather suits...
Hope all continues to fall into place lady....xx
Hope all continues to fall into place lady....xx
Sad news day: A friend's beloved cat had to be put down on her birthday; my friend with HIV is in hospital again battling for his life weighing less than 40 kilos - they don't know what to do for him and he won't allow visitors - it's touch and go; A girlfriend around my age is about to miscarry - she was 8 weeks...
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I feel bad for your friend with HIV. To think governments are out there spending billions on arms and stupid wars we don't need to have while people die from diseases that possibly have a cure out there.
If the money was being spent to find one. It's a stupid world ......
If the money was being spent to find one. It's a stupid world ......
Oh Jeeez Hon,im so sorry for your shitty sadness..if it dosnt rain it pours, if there is anything i can do ya just have to say the word ok
Love to you & H x
Love to you & H x
The amazing British Backpacker contractor we offered a job to has decided to work for a bigger company, so she can meet men and have a social life. Sigh...Kids - Heck she is 27 and having a steady career path has not exactly crossed her mind..She is going to work for the lowest rating commercial radio station in Sydney - what a twit...Her attitude is...
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Hmmm... if my best friend weren't just about to head off on some crazy 2 month trek in the Himalayas, I would recommend her to you. She's incredible and well-qualified. Having said that, she is happy where she is, for the moment. But I know she's looking to move on soon.
Anyway, hope you're well and that you find an account manager soon...
Anyway, hope you're well and that you find an account manager soon...
Ooooh i love business speak..mm networking hehe..
Unfortunately i wont be getting to RPM till late..if at all..one of these days i will,they are actually working in conjunction with the Scorcher weekend thats happening this week also inc.The Empire on sat & a Boat cruise on sunday..The Empire show should be fun,i quite like 2 of the bands Playing..The Ska Vendors are very trad 2-tone style Ska & The Boobytraps are great 60s style fuzz garage punk with cool girl harmonies,i myself will prolly be at The Annandale that night,there are a few Hardcore bands playing..lots a big shorts,pocket chains & running in circles but if i get bored of that i might wander on up..hope your week is treating you well..love to You & H
Unfortunately i wont be getting to RPM till late..if at all..one of these days i will,they are actually working in conjunction with the Scorcher weekend thats happening this week also inc.The Empire on sat & a Boat cruise on sunday..The Empire show should be fun,i quite like 2 of the bands Playing..The Ska Vendors are very trad 2-tone style Ska & The Boobytraps are great 60s style fuzz garage punk with cool girl harmonies,i myself will prolly be at The Annandale that night,there are a few Hardcore bands playing..lots a big shorts,pocket chains & running in circles but if i get bored of that i might wander on up..hope your week is treating you well..love to You & H

Platypuz asked me only a week or so ago about how things are going with my little Sister in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programme - Well my dears, she certainly keeps me on my toes!
We see each other monthly now and our outing was planned for this week.
Over the past month, she has been keeping in touch by phone and text, so...
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We see each other monthly now and our outing was planned for this week.
Over the past month, she has been keeping in touch by phone and text, so...
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a double whiskey sounds good right about now
You sound like a great big sister!

You sound like a great big sister!

hey sweety
sounds like a grand night out
when is the next mod meet up??
would def like ot go along
sounds like a grand night out

when is the next mod meet up??
would def like ot go along
I love the first Tuesday in November - the chance to have a great half day off "networking" ie. a big excuse for a piss-up watching 22 odd horses galloping a few kilometres in Melbourne at 3pm; fancy schmanzy hats, the outrageous and some stylish frocks...dropping wads of dosh on office sweeps and indulging in some rather too tempting online betting ....and champagne...weeeeee!
I won!...
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I won!...
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Not blending in is a good thing & if i may be bold so is lots of cleavage..you sound quite the belle of the ball
Hey have you heard of Club 45,it plays lotsa mod,soul,ska & stuff,some friends have been & say its cool but i have never been, its also at this place called the H.Q bar on Parramatta rd where some work colleagues drink & get beligerent so im kind warey
Indeed i look forward to hearing from you on Sunday,im not sure were we will be hanging but im sure we will find each other..take care till then sweetpea

Hey have you heard of Club 45,it plays lotsa mod,soul,ska & stuff,some friends have been & say its cool but i have never been, its also at this place called the H.Q bar on Parramatta rd where some work colleagues drink & get beligerent so im kind warey
Indeed i look forward to hearing from you on Sunday,im not sure were we will be hanging but im sure we will find each other..take care till then sweetpea
Unfortunately im Working night shift will 7am Monday so no Sat night for me,but i will be turning up Sunday i dont mind a lil Ska but its gotta be 2-tone/early 80s stuff or earlier i even have a soft spot for Reggae
Hah i never blend in..im permanantly stuck in the 80s lol or so i have been told
See ya Sunday
Hah i never blend in..im permanantly stuck in the 80s lol or so i have been told

See ya Sunday

I feel ever so flat. Blah is a good word - just blah. It could be my hormones, or a combination of work stress, my new diet and health regime and hormones...
I've started seeing a Naturopath to help me with my lipodema and start a program to get my body physically ready for having children. She uses a Japanese style acupuncture called Ryodoku which...
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I've started seeing a Naturopath to help me with my lipodema and start a program to get my body physically ready for having children. She uses a Japanese style acupuncture called Ryodoku which...
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hey sweety
was nice to see you and H again on saturday
def intrested in the mod meet ups so let me know
was nice to see you and H again on saturday
def intrested in the mod meet ups so let me know
Hey there,just noticed your gonna be at Newtown Festival...im a happy platy,its been to long since i seen you guys

Week 6 at The Enterprise and I have finally hired my first crew member. She presented very differently at work to the interview and the Captain and I were concerned that we made a mistake hiring her after three days. She is a bit of an oddball which was cool with us, since we don't exactly fit the cookie cutter mold in la la land....
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Yes we do get married here in Sydney. On the 16 of Sep. My father is coming from Germany. We'll only have a small wedding here and next year in July we'll have a big traditional german wedding at home. With all the friends and family. Lots and lots of food and people
It is all very very exciting now. But I am not nervous at all, just very excited.
How are your plans so far?
I hope we can catch up soon
Yes we do get married here in Sydney. On the 16 of Sep. My father is coming from Germany. We'll only have a small wedding here and next year in July we'll have a big traditional german wedding at home. With all the friends and family. Lots and lots of food and people

It is all very very exciting now. But I am not nervous at all, just very excited.
How are your plans so far?
I hope we can catch up soon
Hello to you to
..yes holidays are over, i could have easily had another week but ..
Saturday i did bugger all & fell asleep at like 7pm..lol woke up at 9 & back to sleep at 11,damn do i know how to party & on Sunday i had drinks & dinner with morgannahh which was a nice way to end my hols..indeed will have to sort somthing out & catch up take care & hi to H

Saturday i did bugger all & fell asleep at like 7pm..lol woke up at 9 & back to sleep at 11,damn do i know how to party & on Sunday i had drinks & dinner with morgannahh which was a nice way to end my hols..indeed will have to sort somthing out & catch up take care & hi to H
Greetings from Melbourne. Been on a biz trip for the last two days whilst sick with a head cold - Not fun!
It's the end of week four at the New Starship Enterprise. The Enteprise is in a bit of a state of disrepair the poor love!
My "Captain" is almost collapsing from the strain, and is looking to us, her new Lieutenant advertising recruits...
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It's the end of week four at the New Starship Enterprise. The Enteprise is in a bit of a state of disrepair the poor love!
My "Captain" is almost collapsing from the strain, and is looking to us, her new Lieutenant advertising recruits...
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Remind me to quiz H about secondhand motorbikes when I'm down next... skint for now, but next year I have a cunning plan.
Sounds like an up and down journey right now for you. I hope you take some nice pics of The Dandenongs for us!
It's the end of week 2 at the new company, and I've really hit the ground running. I'm feeling less overwhelmed and quietly confident that I am going to do well here. I think my Publisher has aleady started to develop some trust in me as I have been seeing prospective clients since Week 1, made countless phone calls in an open plan environment, and...
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Sounds like life is treating you Very well indeed lately Miss,im Happy for you..after all the shit ya been thru its nice that things are Forging ahead for you Guys
I havnt had much experience in BDSM beyond the occassional blind fold & tie up session..oh & my 1 night at Hellfire ..im quite Vanilla really.. lol
Take care Hon & hope to see ya soon
I havnt had much experience in BDSM beyond the occassional blind fold & tie up session..oh & my 1 night at Hellfire ..im quite Vanilla really.. lol
Take care Hon & hope to see ya soon

I'll give you guys a call when you're at home tomorrow nite