Okay, it has been a while since I reviewed a movie, but here is goes: Went out and saw the Imax 3D treatment of The Wizard of Oz. I am really not going to give a critique of the movie, suffice to say it is on my list of best movies ever, and I consider it a solid A+ film in virtually every way. It bears mention that my list of A+ films is very short, so from me this is extremely high praise. Instead of reviewing the movie, I will review the Imax 3D treatment. I went and saw the 50th anniversary showing with a brand new technicolor copy in 1989, completely un-cut and exactly as shown in theaters in 1939. As an avid film photographer, It goes pretty much without saying, I prefer films made on film, either 16mm, 35mm or 70mm Dolby. So this version of the Wizard of Oz is not as good as the 1989 release. That said, the movie is still a timeless classic, and has all the punch and impact of the film version, albeit with a few more pixels and jagged diagonal lines. The songs are still heart warming, the performances (still) tour de force, and the story as touching as you remember. I would say if you are between the ages of 5 and 105 you should go see this film. After all how often do you get to see Judy Garland 40 feet tall, singing "Over the Rainbow." Which by the way was the American Film Academy's pick for the best movie song of the 20th century. And it is also mine.