I went to the 20th anniversary, showing of Pulp Fiction, and minus the pixles, I really enjoyed it. Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite films of all time. I have a little running argument with a my friend Jim Cameron; he does not believe I go to movies to see performance art, or that I think all movies are performance art (when I reviewed Kick ass II, he asked "Did you see Performance art?). Well Jimbo, Pulp Fiction is performance art at it's highest level. The whole cast puts on tour de force performances, that are truly unforgettable. Bruce Willis, John Travolta, Samual L Jackson, Uma Thurman, Tim Roth and Amanda Plumber, just knock it out of the part. I think Eric Stoltz and Rosana Arquette, have one of the most memorable scenes and who can forget Alex Arquette, as the shooter in the bath room. Speaking of Bath rooms, I think that is actually the theme of the movie--troubles a brewing when you are in the bath room. The shooter hides in the bath room, when Vincent Vega is in the bath room Mia Wallace O.D.s, While Vincent Vega is in the bath room, the Hawthorn Diner gets robbed, as Butch Coolidge gets in a argument with Fabian in the bath room, as do Vincent and Jules Winfield at the home of Jimmy (in Taluka Lake), Mia Wallace powders her nose in Jack Rabbit Slims bath room, and lastly when Vincent emerges from the bath room, Butch Shoots him dead. No good every happens in a bath room, that is for sure! Oh the book that Vincent Vega is reading in the bath room--Modesty Blaze, which is a bit of early 60s rip off of James bod with a woman protagonist.
So, you may have picked it up, I saw the film 17 times on the first release, and have seen it for the 10, and now 20 year anniversarys, and I have watched this film at least 50 times on VHS and DVD. Pulp Fiction is one the the movies, I use as a standard by which all others are measured. I give it good solid A+. Right up there with Citizen Cane, Gone With the Wind, and the Wizard of Oz. Top notch fine art film making at it's finest.
So, you may have picked it up, I saw the film 17 times on the first release, and have seen it for the 10, and now 20 year anniversarys, and I have watched this film at least 50 times on VHS and DVD. Pulp Fiction is one the the movies, I use as a standard by which all others are measured. I give it good solid A+. Right up there with Citizen Cane, Gone With the Wind, and the Wizard of Oz. Top notch fine art film making at it's finest.

wow cool blog, I really love pulp fiction, is one of my favorite films!!!! have a great night babe

pulp fiction is one of my fav movie!! thank you very much for loving and supporting my new set! <3<3<3<3