Well I went and saw the movie the Future. It was written, directed and starred Maranda July, so I thought I would like it. As it turns out it is very sad, and really lacks a point, beyond trying to excessively artsy-fartsy. I will ruin it for you, so if you plan on seeing it, don't read further. The story is narrated by July as a cat that her and her Boyfriend have found injured and taken the a shelter.
They plan on adopting the poor little creature, in 30 days. They are informed by the doctor (Vet) that the kitty has perhaps six months to live, but if ti bonds with it's new owner it may live for many years. The stress caused by the thought of having an new Kitty, causes them to quit there jobs, and change the paths of there lives. Miss July, begans cheating on her beau, and he slips into a deep depression, which he does not slip out of until afther the 30 days is up, and he has forgotten to pick up the lovely little kitty "Paw Paw", who by the time he is remebered has been put to sleep.
Oh, but on a bright note, he goes to heaven, and they get back together.
I love cats, and Had I know this would have involved killing one, I would have stayed home. Just not my cup of tea.

I love cats, and Had I know this would have involved killing one, I would have stayed home. Just not my cup of tea.

sounds sad, i dont think i shall watch it. yes had to take a picture in front of Amelia's plane! It was so pretty 
