Time for a new post. And I bet this one gets some reactions.
I was born in Portland, Oregon. I live in Portland, Oregon. And as far as I can tell I will die in Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon, city everyone seems to want to move to, and that gets all sorts of accolades for all its progressive politics. Well let me set you straight, before you move here. Let's start with property values. Between 2003 and 2007 they went up 250%, and they have never come back down. 900 square foot condos here sell for 400,000-500.000 dollars, and nice houses in my S.E. neighborhood sell for 600,000-1.1 million, depending on where they are. My house, the same one my parents bought in 1960 for 11,000 dollars is valued at 425,000, and it is 1800, square feet with a partly finished basement and upstairs, one bathroom, 2.5 bead rooms, no garage, all on a 50-100 foot lot.
The Government is totally wacked! Our mayor admitted sexual contact with a minor, and was investigated by the state attorney general Mark Kroger (yep you guessed it, a Kroger grocery store heir) without one singe subpoena being issued. He asked nicely for evidence from the mayor. The mayor did have to sell one of his investment properties to pay for his defense--or should I say, to pay off the prosecution. Now he is going to close a fire station to make up for budget short falls in the police budget, and to pay for new bike lanes. Perfect, so when the buildings are burning down, police can divert bike traffic around the hazard. Road maintenance and construction are funded in Oregon by the Gas Tax. The city had earmarked 620 million for bike lane construction in the next 10 years, while the 6.2% of people that ride bikes at least twice per week, pay not one penny of gas tax. All while the roads are filled with pot holes, and the lines have not be painted in decades.
Oh on the subject of police. Here in P town, they have only one response to any situation that they don't understand--shoot to kill! If you are mentally ill, don't speak English, developmentally disabled or just plain mouthy, they shoot you, wait 45 minutes then call an ambulance. As if this was not bad enough, they have the second lowest rate for solving violent sexual crimes in the US for cities over 200,000 people. The only city worse is Jackson Mississippi, a city of just over 200,000 with one fourth the number of police. One rape victim (raped by a college classmate) was told that if she would find the perps address, and take the police to him, then they would investigate the case. This poor woman was beaten, raped, thrown from a moving car (broken arm and ankle); managed to get the rape kit done, and still she was suppose to find and confront the victim! What the FUCK! The guy never got arrested, and is still walking around. For a period of time we had a serial rapist working N.E. Portland, and finally he broke into an elderly (82) womans home, and she used her deceased husbands gun to kill the bastard. The police arrested her, put her before the grand jury twice, and then charged her with illegally discharging a fire arm. Her legal defense was over 100,000 and she had to sell her home of nearly 60 years to pay it. Once again in unison--WHAT THE FUCK! And if you are organized enough to protest, the police will shoot you with bean bags and beat the first pregnant woman they can find.
I could go on and on. If you are thinking of moving here from the mid-west--stay home, don't believe the hype. This place sucks! Stay clear of Moscow on the Willamette, in the Peoples Republic of Oregon
I was born in Portland, Oregon. I live in Portland, Oregon. And as far as I can tell I will die in Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon, city everyone seems to want to move to, and that gets all sorts of accolades for all its progressive politics. Well let me set you straight, before you move here. Let's start with property values. Between 2003 and 2007 they went up 250%, and they have never come back down. 900 square foot condos here sell for 400,000-500.000 dollars, and nice houses in my S.E. neighborhood sell for 600,000-1.1 million, depending on where they are. My house, the same one my parents bought in 1960 for 11,000 dollars is valued at 425,000, and it is 1800, square feet with a partly finished basement and upstairs, one bathroom, 2.5 bead rooms, no garage, all on a 50-100 foot lot.
The Government is totally wacked! Our mayor admitted sexual contact with a minor, and was investigated by the state attorney general Mark Kroger (yep you guessed it, a Kroger grocery store heir) without one singe subpoena being issued. He asked nicely for evidence from the mayor. The mayor did have to sell one of his investment properties to pay for his defense--or should I say, to pay off the prosecution. Now he is going to close a fire station to make up for budget short falls in the police budget, and to pay for new bike lanes. Perfect, so when the buildings are burning down, police can divert bike traffic around the hazard. Road maintenance and construction are funded in Oregon by the Gas Tax. The city had earmarked 620 million for bike lane construction in the next 10 years, while the 6.2% of people that ride bikes at least twice per week, pay not one penny of gas tax. All while the roads are filled with pot holes, and the lines have not be painted in decades.
Oh on the subject of police. Here in P town, they have only one response to any situation that they don't understand--shoot to kill! If you are mentally ill, don't speak English, developmentally disabled or just plain mouthy, they shoot you, wait 45 minutes then call an ambulance. As if this was not bad enough, they have the second lowest rate for solving violent sexual crimes in the US for cities over 200,000 people. The only city worse is Jackson Mississippi, a city of just over 200,000 with one fourth the number of police. One rape victim (raped by a college classmate) was told that if she would find the perps address, and take the police to him, then they would investigate the case. This poor woman was beaten, raped, thrown from a moving car (broken arm and ankle); managed to get the rape kit done, and still she was suppose to find and confront the victim! What the FUCK! The guy never got arrested, and is still walking around. For a period of time we had a serial rapist working N.E. Portland, and finally he broke into an elderly (82) womans home, and she used her deceased husbands gun to kill the bastard. The police arrested her, put her before the grand jury twice, and then charged her with illegally discharging a fire arm. Her legal defense was over 100,000 and she had to sell her home of nearly 60 years to pay it. Once again in unison--WHAT THE FUCK! And if you are organized enough to protest, the police will shoot you with bean bags and beat the first pregnant woman they can find.
I could go on and on. If you are thinking of moving here from the mid-west--stay home, don't believe the hype. This place sucks! Stay clear of Moscow on the Willamette, in the Peoples Republic of Oregon
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set my dear.

Thanks for being so sweet about my set in MR! Appreciate the support!