Hey everyone,
I managed to get the unwated woman to finally leave me alone. I just came out and told her, that I could not spend three plus hours a day, solving her pathetic problems. I didn't really put it that way, I was much more tactful but she got the idea anyhow.
With good weather approching, I am going to start working on my Corvette again. I have owned it for three years and the longest it has gone without breaking down is three weeks! For the last 18 months, it has been up on jack stands while I replaced the clutch and transmission, however the clutch problem has continuted despite changing every part on the goddamn thing. So, I think I am going to look up under the dash and see if the petal bracket is bent or broken. This sounds simple enough, but in practice it will be pretty unconfortable to stuff a 240lb, 6'1" man head first into the space provided for my two feet!
On a much more positive note, my favorite band on earh, Kleveland (Klevelandmusic.com) is playing Saturday, after more than an two month hiatus. It was pretty rough, not having anyting to do on Saturday night, but to go see lame bands, that don't really rock. So, I spent some time here at home and started a new model plane, and fixed up some stereo gear.
Well that is about all for now,
I managed to get the unwated woman to finally leave me alone. I just came out and told her, that I could not spend three plus hours a day, solving her pathetic problems. I didn't really put it that way, I was much more tactful but she got the idea anyhow.
With good weather approching, I am going to start working on my Corvette again. I have owned it for three years and the longest it has gone without breaking down is three weeks! For the last 18 months, it has been up on jack stands while I replaced the clutch and transmission, however the clutch problem has continuted despite changing every part on the goddamn thing. So, I think I am going to look up under the dash and see if the petal bracket is bent or broken. This sounds simple enough, but in practice it will be pretty unconfortable to stuff a 240lb, 6'1" man head first into the space provided for my two feet!
On a much more positive note, my favorite band on earh, Kleveland (Klevelandmusic.com) is playing Saturday, after more than an two month hiatus. It was pretty rough, not having anyting to do on Saturday night, but to go see lame bands, that don't really rock. So, I spent some time here at home and started a new model plane, and fixed up some stereo gear.
Well that is about all for now,
just wanted to thank you for the love on my new set!!!