Recap on the events of Shook's 21st Bday.
Realistically it couldn't have gone any better then it did. The events leading up to the party itself were fucking great. The dinner, the cake, the shopping for supplies and just the right amount of people who showed up. Shook loved the cake we got him and so did I. I had no idea what to expect...
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I just thought that I'd write something before I head to LHP for a few days. I dont know why people have to make such radical and suicidal actions to get their point across. I wake up this morning, a little earlier then normal, and turn on the TV while Im eating breakfast. I dont normally watch the news because of all the bullshit thats...
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I just relized that in my previous journals Im writing shit as if people are actually checking this shit out. Well maybe one day someone will find it. Anyways. Just got back from the poker tourney at Trick Shots. Not a bad turn out and I figured I played pretty well considering it was my first time there. Only won 1 hand but the first...
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Back and somewhat alive after Brandon Duke's lakehouse.
Well the first thing that comes to mind when I recap on the 2 days I was staying in Lake Placid is the damage I've done to my body. My fingers and right arm are fucked up from the intense tubing behind the boat. It looks like I've been in a bar fight. I'll try and get...
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Off to Brandon Duke's lake house for the 4th. I'll report how it goes in a day or so. Till then Cheers.

Here by Chance,
OK, lets recap the events of this fabulous Saturday.
Waking up at 7:45am is getting easier for me, but the fact that Im doing it just so my brother can get to work on time an hour before I do seems somewhat absurd. Theres not a chance in hell that I'll get any more then 5 minutes of sleep in my car while I wait...
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Well I really dont know what the fuck I'm doing here or what to say really, but since I know that my stay will be short-lived I feel that I should make the most of this and try to get my thoughts out. After all this is a journal.
Well trying to make the most of this day, if the weather permits me to do...
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