Wow, what a weekend with the fam. The first two words that come to mind are gluttony and gluttony. I probs ate more food in those few days then I have in the past few weeks ( slight exageration). Being with family I havent seen in a while put me in a very relaxed mood and really threw me out of my everyday elements, which...
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Well I've been able to sneek away from the family for about five minutes to check out how the site is doing. While I'm here I'll make a quick post and list a few highlights thus far.
1. Shea,my neice, is turing out to be just like me. In the fact that she doesnt say much and she pretty much keeps to herself, but is...
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Well Thanksgiving started off with some immediate up and downs. Before the day even began I went to my car and noticed that my back right tire was flat. Must have been a nail I ran over last night. But the good news is that someone is on their way right now to help rectify the situation. And on Thanksgiving day thats pretty impressive. I'll...
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Holy shit I just cant seem to get over the fact that John 5 is too fucking good at guitar. I cant seem to get that fucking cd out of my cd player. It's probably been like a month straight. If anyone out there is into really good guitar and just great music check out Songs for Sanity by John 5. The great thing about...
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Hi there! miao!!
I love seeing which ones you choose. Oh, did you already have your tattoo appointment or when is it?
Heres a question I was asked today that I thought would be cool to share. If you had the choice between knowing when you were gonna die or knowing how you were gonna die what would you choose?

~ Contagion
OK I guess I'm sort of a LIAR here. I'm not gone just yet. Well last night was quite interesting. Something always seems to happen to me when Im in a shitty mood or not expecting it. Well anyways I decided to play poker at 7pm but was in a shitty mood and I knew it was going to effect my play, but I decided...
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Well my "brief" trip to g'ville (gainsville) last night was cool and sort of what I needed. I find that there's nothing more relaxing then sitting and listening to music through a long drive. I almost look forward to it. I was able to meet up with some of my friends Jon and AG, from high school. They both live together in a nice little...
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Something just occured to me while I was in my last class about 30 minutes ago. Where the fuck was Grampa Hugo in Devil's Rejects? I didn't see him for one second in the film. Well it was probably better because he would have been shot within the first few minutes of the film anyway. It's better that he be left out completely then have...
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yeah, he was twisted.
Hey, how did you know that I was on this site, anyways?
Got some good/unusual news today that made my skin tingle a little bit. A few weeks ago I submited a cd with a few songs that BA and I had done about 2 years ago, the Dailey Entry shit. Well the guy I submited it to, Arron I believe, came up to me and said that he really liked the shit that BA and I...
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Oh, and that's awesome about the CD. I hope the two of you get to perform.
the first time is definately the hardest, but for people (like me) who do have stage fright it never goes away - i feel like i'm going to throw up or pass out for hours before getting on stage or performing even in front of a few people, but once i start i forget about it all. but other people don't freak out at all - and both kinds make good performers, so no worries. anyway - good luck with that!
Last night as I my eyes closed I drifted off to a world a peace and serenity. It was a beautiful walk on the beach at sunset, an intense conversation with an old friend, the breeze and sunshine on my shoulder during the cold months of winter. It was an incredible dream. A reoccuring one of sorts. Always the same situation but never the same...
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Welcome. smile

[Edited on Jul 26, 2005 8:33PM]