If anyone out there really likes MetallicA they should check out this duo and their cover of Orion from Master of Puppets. Acoustic Orion Cover
I was browsing over some site today and saw this link. Me being a huge MetallicA fan had to check it out and was blown away. These guys fuckin' rock.
Jam session went OK, but nothing to write home about. To be quite honest I didnt think that I did all that well, but it was only for 30minutes at most. The guys seemed cool and were pretty nice to me, but I have the feeling they're not gonna call. One down and coutless to go. Cant let this get me down. I just need...
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I think tomorrow might be a turning point in my musical career. I'm meeting with some guys that I've been talking with and they've asked me to come jam with them. Hopefully if I play my cards right I'll be in there band and making music with them full time. Hope I dont fuck things up.

Song of the day: Nonpoint "Skin"

till next time...
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I'm in the middle of a dilema right now. The choice is either gin,vodka, or beer. Jager would be an obvious choice but I sort of overdosed on that durning my break and I need to chill on something. I think gin might win the race in this one.
The day has been going pretty standard but I was just recently, literally 5 minutes ago, hit with some cool news. Matisyahu is gonna be coming to House of Blues in Orlando in March. I'm always down for a good show there and Matisyahu is like one of my new favorite artists. I've never been too much into reggae but this shit is great, plus...
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Well it's been a while but it 's fucking great to be back. I suppose I should give the highlights from my vacation in LHP. So here it goes.
1. The guys returned from Vegas looking as if they had aged 10 years. Grey hair has sprouted and their skin seemed to have roughened from being around too much smoke. The tails of strippers and...
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I like seeing the real image. I think Cody did a better job than the photograph! Maybe I'll go in and see him when I get back. Where is he again? I'll be back on like the 19th, will you by chance be down then? Let me know. And look at all the sets you missed!
Heres a quick update from LHP.
Things have been good despite my friends not being here, they have all flown to vegas for a few days, but are returing tonight. I've got a little bit of a head cold but that should pass by tomorrow. Things still remain the same down here post hurricane clean up. Most of the trees that I remember seeing are...
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I believe that when something hits me that truly means something I begin to cry. I'm not afraid to admit that. When I take a second and realize where I've been and what I've done the joy tends to overflow and my eyes cant hold it in. My throat gets horse and my eyes get red. I've been to some great heights and some terrible...
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Have fun and be sure to say hi to everyone for me.
Update: The Daily Entries page on myspace has been updated with a new song for your listening pleasure. Track 1. check it out at myspace.com/daileyentries

Its snowing outside my apartment right now. Snowing ash and the smell of smoke cant be avoided. They are burning down a forrest next door and I'm paying for it. My car is covered in ash. It's madness, but it...
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Sounds like Montserrat with all of the ash
Finally done with all my exams. Now it's time to kick back and throw back a few cold ones. Well maybe later, its still only 11:30am. So as I said in my last journal I couldnt really swim because it was too cold, but I wouldnt go as far as saying that the pool conquered me. Later that day I checked to see if the...
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Heading into the studio to work on my final mix for the last day. The mix has been going pretty well and I've gotten some good positive feedback from others on it. So after tomorrow's test in Health, which wasn't on Tuesday as I thouhgt, I'll be done. Let's just hope I dont fuck it up on the last day.
I tried swimming this morning...
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