Night 1 of being in the studio is over and I must say that it was a good session. I mean you have you minor set backs like co-producers not showing up, studios being occupied by singing choruses, and equipment not working at first, but thats to be expected. We, BA and myself, layed down the piano parts to the first song called "This is...
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fucking awesome indeed...look forward to hearing what you come up with
I'm facing a very tough personal challenge tonight as my folks come into town. I've decided to tell them about my tattoos. My mom knows but my dad doesn't. It's not the telling them part that I'm worried about, its the way that I know my dad will make me feel after I tell him. He has a way of belittleing me and making me...
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Let me know how that goes
good movie and I will for sure post pictures.
I was sort of reflecting on my musical inspirations and how far I've come as a musican and I couldnt help but laugh a little when I realized how far I've really come. 10 years ago I was strictly a metal kid. Didn't listen anything else. I got influenced to play the guitar by guys like James Hetfield of MetallicA and Dimebag of Pantera (R.I.P),...
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Yeah sticking to one genre of music can result in burn out, that's why I like having a varied taste.
thank you, for the kind words on the tattoo and for sharing your music, i sent ya a friend request on MS.
Had the meeting with Flatfoot records today with BA to discus the recording policies and whatnot. Went really well and now me and BA are super pumped to get the ball rolling on this project. I showed BA all the recording rooms and the grand pianos. Since most of the stuff we have at this point is piano based we decided to start with that...
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thanks! congrats on everything coming together - piano was my insturment for many many years, i'd love to hear what you do....

Yea, it had wormwood in it, but I didn't get that messed up. I was expecting like hallucinations and shit (haha) but nada.
I that my new tattoo has cured me of a mark I've had since I was a kid. I've had this lump under my skin on my left leg ever since I can remember and after I got my tat I realized that the lump has shrunk in size. Now I dont know what exactly has happened here but it's definitly surprising. I know that...
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I love that tattoo on Angelina. I love her.
um. in the middle of it!!!
Today at work a little girl saw my tattoo and asked if it was Jesus. I laughed a little and said "Well sort of. It depends on who you ask." Just a little funny occurence that I thought I should add.

song of the day: Nonpoint "Buscandome"

"Because I know the way I do the things I do might cause a situation or a excessive...
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That's actually really funny
Attention!!!!!!! Big News. Daily Entries will be in the studio within the next few weeks recording their first cd via Flatfoot Records. Man Im so fucking pumped that me and BA's band is gonna be recording at VCC, and I get to produce it. This is what I've been waiting for for like 3 years. Since the idea of Daily Entries was conceived back in...
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Thanks for the add.

Good luck with the album biggrin
smile congrats on your work
I dont know whether I love these week days or not. It may be possible that I have just a little too much time on my hands. But I try and use every waking moment to better my talents and my future. I went to Cd Warehoue the other day and picked up an old classic film that some of my friends love to watch....
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Tattoo is done and the work is awesome. I thought it was gonna be a short day: drive down and get my work done then leave. But it was awesome, I ended up seeing some frineds,drank some booze, and ate some sushi. It's been a while since I've had some really good sushi, so it was a relief to finally get some. Hopefully Cody gets...
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Well it seems as though the week as been non existent. It as just been flying by like nothing. I suppose the anticipation of getting back to Boca tomorrow has made time fly quick. I'll be heading back down to Big Kahuna Tattoo tomorrow to get the rest of my Dimebag tribute done on my leg. Shouldn't be more then an hours work. Ahh the...
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Did you see this. Cool, huh
Give me a call before you go, and I'll go with you
Finally finally finally some new Dimebag material. Check it out at Rebel meets Rebel. Its some great country/metal type shit. Dimebag and Vinnie teames up with country legend David Allen Coe and just made some brilliant shit. It has made my day around a 9 already, and it's only 12:30. On another note Miami Ink is my new favorite show. Where else can you...
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Yeah, yeah. I'll definitely at least stop by to see him and ask him some questions.