hola hola hola, all. so i just got home from work and i get to do (guess what?!) ....more work! wee! Well, it's not that bad, really. HOw bad can sitting in front of a computer be? Really. Especially when its my new powerbook g4. I swear, if it were feasable, I would sleep with this thing, it is so sleek and super and cool. So, uh....yeah. Anyways, I scheduled a photo shoot on this coming tuesday (hopefully) for my application here and whoever wants a sneal peek at them (when they are done, around the next two weeks) should just shoot me an email (corsetlady@msn.com). yup. oh and, to the gangster hottie- i'll try to pull off the suit thing...if I can. We'll see what happens! till tommorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.

i would love to see your pictures. not to mention you r beautiful G4. those things give me a hard on