Rejected... again...
Maybe I should have done one of the realy different and creative set ideas that I have. But many people have told me that a first set whould be simble and focus more on the girl than the costume/theme/setting/whatever, so I did something simple, casual and cute... *sigh*
I will post a selection of the set soon and get some more feedback, hopefully third time is the charm...

Maybe I should have done one of the realy different and creative set ideas that I have. But many people have told me that a first set whould be simble and focus more on the girl than the costume/theme/setting/whatever, so I did something simple, casual and cute... *sigh*
I will post a selection of the set soon and get some more feedback, hopefully third time is the charm...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, I would love to see a set by you

Really sorry to hear that