Hi guys,been busy. I have two shoots next week. One is being paid for and another is just a shoot but I have been wanting to work with this model for some time haha. Today I am going though and editing (picking and choosing mind you) around 280 photos. We did a photo shoot in our Beauty school the other day(for our calss) and........well........of course I wanted to take and edit them (good for portfolio work) Sadly been sleeping kinda off/badly, but whatever I am really tired now haha.
Have you guys seen the sets lately. AMAZING haha just saying.
Btw the model I am working with is name Edward HAHA......i love that name xD >.<

Oh...Rielee rofl xD
Dear SG.
Have you guys seen the sets lately. AMAZING haha just saying.

Oh...Rielee rofl xD
Dear SG.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazw baby <3
You're too cute