So this10th of June I am going to Myrtle Beach SC with my lover for FIVE days ..(eee) we are going camping n.n I have not been to that beach in a long long time. We will also only be 300 yards away and not actually camping on sand, but in a wood like area with lots of shade(fuck yes). so no sand when sleeping will be nice. I can deal with dirt. Going to take a shitttt ton of pictures I hope. I am so happy I could go now,...............but we can't.(stupid reservations...)
I know it is small picture(got it from teh site) but this is what it will look like at the camp.
my future reaction.

your future reaction looks a little cartoony. But HOORAY for a vacation. that sounds totally awesome. remember the sunscreen.
Color me jealous. I LOVE to go camping!